
"I'm going to find Inti." Does he need help? I think I'm going to be more responsible. And that means helping those who need it. He doesn't know anything about this forest! What if the bears found him? She followed his sent to him.

Frost closed her eyes as the pup pressed against her. Sirius was right, she did need a hug. As the pup bounded away, the adolescent stared after her, before turning and walking in the opposite direction. She let out a deep breath, feeling rather relieved to be finally alone.

Sirius looked back as she ran through the forest. Poor Frost. I don't think she knows that Mommy told me and my brothers about her siblings. Stupid Mommy, spilling everyone's secrets like deer blood. I'm going to get her a present to make her feel better. I wonder if Inti would help me?

(sorry wasn't done) Edited at February 22, 2022 03:41 PM by Valentino~

Dawn says "I think it would be better to scare them off."

Farris (Aspen's brother) walked along the border of the pack's territory, the scent of a bear and its cubs growing. "Hmm... I could use this to my advantage," Farris said to himself. He crossed the border and started to run towards the scent of the bear. After a few minutes of running, he reached a small clearing. "There they are," he whispered to himself. He sat behind a bush and watched. There was a mother bear lying in the soft grass while her cubs were playing with each other. Farris quickly thought up a plan to stir up trouble. He jumped out from the bush and growled at the bears. The mother immediately stood up and bellowed at Farris, giving him a stern warning to back off. Farris inched closer to the cubs, the mother watching with furious eyes. He nipped one of the cubs and the mother bellowed again. Farris started to run back to the camp and looked back. Just as he intended, the mother was running after him. "That's right!" he yelled. "Keep following me!" He crossed back over the border. In just a few seconds he would be at the camp with a furious bear coming after him. Farris reached the camp and hid behind a rock. "Now I'll leave it to my pathetic pack mates to deal with this bear."

Dawn heard the bellow and raced back to the pack. She saw the bear mom running after Farris. She was furious and blocked the bear mom and said "Clam down your cubs are safe but you must leave pack terriorty." Dawn saw the bear turn and leave and sighed.

Aspen ran with Dawn back to the camp. She watched as the mother was running after Farris. "Of course, my brother was behind this."

Sirius popped up. "Why was an angry bear in the camp?"

Aspen went to the rock where Farris had hidden behind. "Farris, what were you-" Aspen looked behind the rock but her brother was gone.