
Nightingale - F - Wolf - M: Bai - "It's nothing. Nothing I want you to worry about." I say. I don't want my makeshift pack to worry either.

Bai "No, it's ok. it helps to share things that trouble you." I say.

Nightingale - F - Wolf - M: Bai - "I'm fine. Just a bad memory." I say. Because it is. A bad memory. It can not hurt me now.

Ace | Border Collie + German Shepherd | Male/M: whomever I go back to camp panting seeing who's all up and everything I walk over to Nigth and Bai." Hey guys." I cough before sitting down

Nightingale - F - Wolf - M: Bai, Ace - "Ace, are you okay?" I say. My pack is more important than my problems. "Walk into a spider web?" That should annoy and lift spirits. A good combo.

Ace | Border Collie + German Shepherd | Male/M: whomever "I'm fine don't worry about my little cough. How are you? Don't lie I know when people lie." I say and cough again before looking at Night memories flesh in front of my eyes again

Nightingale - F - Wolf - M: Bai, Ace - I lay next to Ace. Really, I am listening for his next cough. A cough is not normal. I press my ear to his chest.

Ace | Border Collie + German Shepherd | Male/M: whomever I stand up and walk to Bai." Your tall you know that?" I look up at her and smile." Why are you so close Night?" I cough and lay down


Nightingale - F - Wolf - M: Bai, Ace - "Ace, are you sure you are okay? I have never heard you cough in the short time I have known you.