Juniper | M | Chital Deer | M: Bai Juniper smiled. "Thank you!" He was happy to make a new friend. "Where did you live before all of this? If you don't mind me asking."
Selene | F | Red Fox | M: Night ~+~ I walk over to Night. "Hey there" I greet her and sit down next to her, "How's it going?" I smile at her and my tail wags a little.
Nightingale - F - Wolf - M: Selene - "Hey, nothing is going on. How are you?" I say. I thought she was picking berries. I smile back.
bai "Places, and i lived at a zoo." i say, answering both their questions.
Juniper | M | Chital Deer | M: Bai "That must've been amazing! You probably saw all sorts of animals there!" Juniper said excitedly. "What was it like?"
Bai "It was... a... city zoo...a small one..." I say. "It was a cowded one, concrete walls, gross stench."
Nightingale - F - Wolf - M: Bai - "People are so strange. They put animals in cages just so other people can stare at them." I say, tail lashing. I hate zoos.
Juniper | M | Chital Deer | M: Bai, Nightingale Juniper's ears dropped. "I guess it couldn't've been too pleasant... sorry." He realized that the rest of the animals in the zoo may not have survived.
Selene | F | Red Fox | M: Everyone ~+~ I was happy to see Juniper making some friends, and I was relived that having a deer with us wasn't going to be as bad as I imagined. Nobody had tried to eat him... yet. I went over to Ace and the pups followed me. "What do you think of Juniper?" I ask him, watching Luna and Hawk wrestle in the grass
Ace | Border Collie + German Shepherd | Male/M: whomever I smile as Selene comes over masking my fear and sadness. I hear her say something but I'm not paying attention I look over at her." Did you say something?"