
Hondo - Exile . "Forget this old hunk of junk, take over the castle." He said to his followers, then bounded up the hill. Once he got to tue castle, he broke the door down, with Nate and Venus's help, and stormed into the castle.
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Nate/ Exile Nate follows right behind him his ears were on alert.
Venus_ Exile Venus was happy to be home again but this wasn't over yet.
Kyoshiro~ adult She came back from her little errands and hears a big boom sound inside the castle she went to check it out to see who it was.
Varian• alchemist He also heard it and went to go see what it was. Soon it was Hondo, Venus and Nate. Edited at May 26, 2023 06:23 PM by Musa

Hondo - Exile . Hondo saw Kyoshiro coming towards him. Delight flooded over him. "Kyoshiro! My Daughter!" He exclaimed, running towards her. . Cauldron - King . Cauldron stepped in the way of the former King. Hondo ran straight into him, making Hondo fly backwards with a sickening crunch. He lay in heap in the ground. Cauldron walked iver to him. "Long live the King." He said, biting into his neck.
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Kyoshiro ~ adult She ran over to Cauldron and went to bite on the side of his neck hard hopefully that will release his grip on her father. "Get away from my father!!" She said in a muffled voice as she wouldn't let go until this ungrateful king release her father! Edited at May 28, 2023 03:21 PM by Musa

Hondo - Exile . Hondo struggled as he felt his life being drained out of him. He kicked and clawed at Cauldron, but the big wolf was to strong. He brought up his hind legs and clawed at his neck and clawed at his eyes. He took in one final breath before his eyes closed, and everything went black. . Cauldron - King . Cauldron released his grip with a snarl of pure fury, Hondo was unconscious on the floor, and hopefully dead. He rolled iver on top of Kyoshiro and started to claw and bite at her.
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Kyoshiro ~ adult She wasn't injured badly but she helped Venus out as she bites the left hind leg hard blood was starting to come out from her mouth. Venus _ Exile "Don't touch the Princess!!" He said running towards Cauldron ramming into him knocking him off the further Queen and clawed at his other eye. And went to bite his scruff from above his neck. Nate also helped Varian• alchemist He hears snarling and growling coming from the main castle entrance as he arrived he sees Hondo laying unconscious and the Princess and the new wolf fight the King. He went over to Hondo and applied herbs on his wound, giving him a potion to ease the pain. Edited at May 30, 2023 12:50 AM by Musa

Cauldron - King . Cauldron knew he was no match for these wolves. But he wasnt going to back down. He snapped his jaws at Kyoshiro, drawing blood from her muzzle. He then turned his neck and bit Nate, who was biting at his hunches. He then rolled over, flipping over Venus, who was on his back. He slammed his paws into his chest, and he bit at his neck and clawed his eyes. He then turned back to Nate, who was up and running at him. They both jumoed and slammed into each ither midair. Cauldron was stronger and knocked over Nate. He bit at Kyoshiro again before bounding to wear Varian was helping Hondo. He jumped onto Varian's back. Biting into his neck.
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Kyoshiro ~ adult starts to stand up licking her muzzle then she looks at Ruddiger. "You have to help us." She whispered. Ruddiger nodded and went to grab the pink sticky liquid from Varian's herb room. And off he went quickly looking in the room he sees the different colorful liquid balls and grabbed four.
Asteraki€ Daughter Asteraki was in her bedroom until she hears all of the ruckus and immediately went to the sound with her scimitar in her mouth. Once she arrives she sees the King fighting the alchemist and looks over and sees the three wolves down and sees the exile wolf was still unconscious. She ran towards Cauldron and helped him. "So it looks like you did this all by yourself? And where are your children at? Aren't they should post be guarding the castle?!" She said with a muffled because of her scimitar. Varian• alchemist "Ah! You have no match for us!" He said as he quickly grabbed some dust like powdered and throw it at Cauldron face it was a numbing affect. He also throw some at Asteraki. He then asks the King Cauldron "You think you can be the most wonderful king Cauldron? Look what you have done to the village and my friends." He said as he stands up and applied a healing patch on his neck only for him to stop the bleeding. “Cauldron I understand your angry I get it and believe me I know what it's like but you are making a mistake.“
Edited at May 31, 2023 02:11 PM by Musa

Hondo - Exile . Hondo opened his eyes, his wounds were healing, and the bleeding stopped. His vision was blurry and he looked over to see Varian with wolves on top of him. He slowly got to his paws, and leaped onto Asteraki's back, opening deep wounds in her back. He then jumped on top of Cauldron, who was also on Varian. He grabbed Cauldron's scruff and leaned backwards, throwing him off Varian. Cauldron fell on top of him, and he felt a rush of pain. Vut then he felt nothing. He could only move his head. "Cauldron leave them alone." He gasped, "It's me you want. Go ahead kill me. Kill the former King who can no longer stand. Kill the rightful King of the kingdom. But spare my friends, my sons and daughters, and spare my Queen." He took in one more breath, then fell unconcious. . Cauldron - King . Cauldron was thrown off Varian and heard a sickebing crunch when he landed on something. He looked down and saw Hondo. "I do t care about you. I am the rightful King of this kingdom, not a filthy exile like you." He stood up and placed his paws on either side of Hondo's head. "I will spare no one and I wont spare you. Long live the K-" and he was suddenly thrown off of Hondo. . Ace - Adult . Ace had grown up without his father. Only his siblings and his mother to keep him company. This was the first he had ever seen of Hondo. And he wouldn't lose his father again. He had jumped on Cauldron, and had him pinned of the floor. His muscles flexed as he bit down in Cauldron's neck. Blood soaked his muzzle as the King slowly died. "Long live the King." He growled, as he picked his head up.
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Kyoshiro~ Adult "Ace you did it!!" She said happily and went other to her brother. Venus and Nate got up also but they were in bed shape. She then went over to her father and nuzzled, licking him. Varian• alchemist Varian was happy that this is all over at last. Asteraki€ Daughter "Nooo my majesty!" She said with a angry snarl. "You dumb mutt I should be the rightful Princess and not your bright cream color fur daughter over there!" She said with her tail slashing. Edited at May 31, 2023 02:26 PM by Musa