Akela flew in cricles above the volcano, just out of reach of the rising smoke and ashes. He enjoyed simple things like how the wind felt beneath his wings as he glided around. He could be seen flying up as high as possible for a wolf like him, curling his wings together and diving down for a while before his wings unfurled and he glided back up on the wind currants. He absolutely loved this. Today had perfect weather, and no one to bother him for another little bit. Nothing could go wrong today! He thought to himself as he did another two dives.
Siobhan was waking in her den, the light filtering through the blossoms and dancing on her eyes, gently notifying her of the time. She yawned, her long face seemly splitting into two, exposing pearly fangs. After opening her mouth, her eyes followed soon after. She raised her head carefully, the night before's blanket of fallen sakura petals cascading off with little movement. The wakefulness spread slowly through her, until finally she stood, stretching out the rest of the sleepiness. When she finally trot out of her den to start the day, she started off the same way she started nearly every day, with a cool of water from a stream. Then, of course, was the ever present obligation each living creature has been forced into since birth: finding something to eat. She considered each and every prey possibility as she decide to walk alongside the stream. Edited at June 15, 2023 03:57 PM by Cherry Coke
Firestarter awoke one morning to the lovely sound of lava in her volcanic home. Hmm she thought maybe I should go for a little flight. She loved seeing how her home looked from above. She felt like it made her forget about the war. Sometimes she wished that everyone wasn't at war and that she could fly wherever she wanted.
Jiro | M | Saltwater Pack | Beta Male Jiro stared intently at the water's surface, delicately perched on a rock at the edge of the lagoon he called home. Barely daring to breathe, he watched the fish just below the surface swim past him, blissfully unaware of the above world. Patiently, Jiro waited until a particularly large fish finally revealed itself. Even then, he kept observing as the big fish took its time coming out of its hiding place. After a few moments halfway out of its shelter, it seemed satisfied that no predators were about and made its way into open water. That's when he struck. Diving into the water, Jiro had the big fish in his mouth before it had time to realize what was happening. Judging by the weight between his teeth, all of his patience had paid off. This would be a good meal for his pack. Jiro glanced at the sky through the watery surface. Nothing. Not that he was expecting anything. Still, he began making his way back home fully submerged, his powerful tail propelling him faster and mor directly through the water than he could run on land.
Firestarter loved a good fly she had heard that before the war everyone was welcome mostly anywhere. That only exists in dreams she thought. This is the real world not some fantasy. She flew back home to her den to get some rest. Before she knew she fell asleep.
Mosaic | F | Sakura Pack | Alpha Mosaic relaxed underneath the big oak tree for a few moments before she started to feel hungry, She had not eaten anything that morning so she opened her eyes and stood up, sniffing the air in hopes to catch the scent of nearby prey. Edited at June 16, 2023 10:03 PM by VirgoFox
Peril || Alpha Female || Volcanic Pack || Mentions: None Black smog rolled thickly across the sizzling magma, the smell of sulfur and singed flesh burning her flared nostrils. Long claws cracked loudly on the hardened black stone that stretched over parts of the lava. The massive female stretched out her wings, the glow of the spewing lava illuminating her outline. A low rumble thrummed in her chest as crimson hues scanned her home. She raised her mighty head to the sky as dark clouds swirled above them, dry lightning flickering across the horizon. "What a lovely day" she hissed through her teeth before emerging from the smoke and into the clearing of the village, breathing In what little clean air their toxic environment had. Edited at June 16, 2023 07:46 PM by ~Savages~
Akela swooped down, circling around the volcano until he reached the bottom. His wings were closed to his side, held tightly there so they didn't drag on the ground and rip. He walked down a path that lead to the village. This would be another normal day, a day where he was just mistaken for a shadow. Often times Akela would stand in the shade of houses because the heat from both the volcano, and sometimes the sun.. on summer or spring days, would make him feel as if he was burning because of his black scales. He could watch fellow wolves pass by and mistake him for the shadow itself. It was kinda fun, for his solitary self.
Peril || Alpha Female || Volcanic Pack || Mentions: Akela Her head snapped up at the sound of wings flapping in the air. She only caught a flicker of a tail before the figure disappeared into the black smog. She wrinkled her snout and squinted her eyes, trying to peer through the smoke. With a huff she curled her dragon-like tail around her claws. She couldn't see who it was, and it was nearly impossible to scent each other so close to the lava. So she tilted her head to the sky and took a deep breath. Blowing through her nose, the scales on the underside of her throat rattled loudly as a rhythmic clicking thrummed in her throat. It was a familiar call for the dragon wolves, would her pack mate respond? Edited at June 16, 2023 07:45 PM by ~Savages~
Mosaic | F | Sakura Pack | Alpha As Mosaic sniffed the air the scent of a Wood Mouse filled her nose, She tried to pinpoint where the scent was coming from, concentrating as she listened closely, She heard the rustling in a patch of nearby grass and automatically dropped into a crouch, her stomach fur against the grassy ground. She started steadily and slowly moving forward, being as silent as she could be, as she neared her prey she saw that it was a fairly plump wood Mouse, she pounced, making sure to kill it before it made a sound and alerted any other nearby prey. Edited at June 16, 2023 10:04 PM by VirgoFox