
Jabari/Male/??? Jabari wanted to laugh but kept his mouth, his father had taught him how to fight with all kinds of weapons besides guns. Jabari looked at the sword and checked its weight "Hmm far different from the swords back home" He said to himself he swung it a few times. Jabari was strong but swingin a sword with this much weight felt like he was trying to catch a shark with bare hands. He set it down and saw the bag Paul had he checked inside and smiled, Two bronze coloured jagged short swords were inside. Jabari took them and started to swing them about. These weapons were light but strong. Jabari breathed slowly and looked at the jagged edge made for gripping flesh which would cause a serious injury if it landed. The swords were known as the Jagged Tyrants.

( hey guys! i'm back! ) Mary/FH/anyone Mary stretched and shifted back into her human form. she looked around the cave, and put her hair in something that looked like a pony-tail. " anyone up for a little training, or a patrol? " she said, taking a rag, and wiping dirt of her knife, that had been in her back-pack.

(Yay! Take Tracer patroling with you. And try to bring Raisha back into play as well.) Starfire/FH Alpha/M: Mary, Phase, Jabari Starfire heard Mary say something and went out for a moment. "If you are up to it Mary, take Raisha and Tracer on patrol. Stay with the shadows and see what these new hunters are up to." Once he knew Mary had heard, he went back in to see Jabari pulling out jagged swords. Jabari swung a couple times and that was when Starfire recognized them. Claw talked about them all the time when he was a kid. Apparently the sword was as sharp as fangs and the jagged edges acted like claws but for a human. Starfire could see how it could be. Turning back to Phase, he picked up a silver sword and threw it at her head (ugh dramatic oops). Right before it made it, he stopped it in midair. It stayed there for a moment before hurling itself back at him. Catching it, it immediately transformed into an arrow case on his back and the handle transformed into the bow. "Phase, this is going to be your weapon. Once you learn how to control your strength, you will be able to control this weapon." Flexing his fingers, the bow transformed back into the handle while the silver arrows turned back into the blade. "Questions?" He asked.
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(alright) Mary/FH/STarfire,Tracer,Raisha " you heard the man! let's go!" MAry shouted to Tracer and Raisha, as she walked out of the underwater cave, shifting into a fish. She swam up to the land, shifting back, as she looked at the dirt to see foot-prints. " hm.."

Tracer followed Mary (Blegh, what am I supposed to say?) . Phase/FH/M:Starfire. Phase took the weapon, feeling an odd pull to the stupid stick, after a moment she looked at Starfire and shook her head, before throwing it at the target, just missing it, dang it! She thought, but shrugged, At least i'm getting better..." She mumbled, holding out her hand and letting it smoothly go in it, before turning into a griffin, feeling oddly uncomfortably being a human.

Starfire/FH Alpha/M: Phase Starfire sighed as Phase released her human form. "Try it as a griffin now. But instead of using your hand or paw, use your mind to use it." He said before chuckling to himself, "A little something a friend left me." He shifted into his winged-wolf form and narrowing his eyes, the sword coming straight for him. Cocking his head slightly, he stopped its forward motion, bringing it gently onto his back. Putting it back on the ground, he said to Phase, "Now you try."
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Paul/Male/??? Paul opened his eyes slightly and then jumped up straight his body stung all over but he wasnt worried about that. "Wat gaan an-" he looked around and noticed he wasnt in the forest anymore the last thung he remembered was Jabari and an explosion. Paul then whipped around and reached his side he felt anger flare through " Where the hell is my gun!?" He grumbled.

Regnar/male/The gold council Regnar leaned against a car looking around in the darkness. Regnar grunted and banged on the side of the truck the men looked at him all waiting for orders. Regnar looked at each man "Ons sal hieso bly vir net twee ure"(We will stay here for only two hours) He said turning, he climbed in one of the trucks and started praying.

Starfire/FH Alpha/M: Paul At the voice, Starfire turned, his wings coming all the way out on instinct. When seeing Paul, he relaxed sitting down. "How do you feel? And don't ask about your gun or belongings. We have some shifters looking for them." He said with a cocked head, a little humorous that he didn't ask about Jabari first.
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Mary/FH/ Tracer " alright, i think some hunters have been looking over here. llook at the foot prints." Mary said, looking at Tracer. " i can see a small camp of hunters this way." she pointed near a small creeck. " so come on, you slow-poke!" Mary said, shiting into a wolf and running into the darkness.