
Shadowa ears turned keen. She smell anger changing her route to the human male she hide In the shadows she could smell him but couldn't see him yet though she knew exactly where he was but she smelled a familiar scent she growled and padded softly around and saw a figure standing still she watched him silently growing hidden from all view.

(It's ok and the target, I had in mind that when hit in the center it starts moving-floating up and down with no strings attached. Want to see how that works) Starfire/FH Alpha/M:Stryker The target when Stryker moved closer, moved backwards while he moved towards it. When Stryker stopped so did the target. No matter how close he tried to get it stayed the same distance. Starfire chuckled. Oh the memories this brought back, and the frustration too. He hoped Stryker would be calm and clever when it came to this. . Lightning & Night/GH Warriors/M: Paul Lightning cocked his head, 'ADFA? What is that?' He thought before he slowly transformed into his wolf form. Giving out a bark, his eyes slowly turned pale white. He walked forward and disarmed the first landmine. Then turning to the next, he disarmed that one and then the next until there was a path to the man. With that done, his eyes turned back to normal while he circled the man. He sat down a couple feet away next to a disarmed landmine. Barking once, he spoke, "Who are you and how in the world did you get in this mess?" Night barely contained his laugh. Typical Lightning, straight to the point. He waited in the trees until Lightning would give the signal that it was safe.
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Shadowa growled some more watching the familiar form of Night he had barged back into the picture again she growled furiously at him low in her throat he had ruin her nighttime fun, she had no idea why he was here and so close to her camp. She decided the human looked distress she sprinted into the woods and woke the shapeshifter male awake and as his eyes adjusted on her she growled and said quietly " I think you friend is a idiot who needs you" ( she changed her voice so it doesn't sound like her but this time she sounds menacing) she faded into the trees bot waiting for him to follow her she broke branches so he could follow her because the cloke covered her scent. She went back to her watching place she had been so quick that they were still looking at each other she went to a tree that was thickly covered and in between them, they were facing each other she faded into the background quietly watching them growling she had stop the trail for the shifter male to follow at her last hiding place before she went to get them she had done that so he wasn't with her but where he was safe and could watch the scenario unfold.

Paul & Jabari/Male/??? Paul smiled, "Well...This mess is because of a young man" Paul said shrugging. his gun was still pointing at the fox but he lowered it a bit, Paul seemed comfortable rather than uneasy, although he was still tense he only knows hand to hand combats against the african shifters not foreigners. __ __ __ Jabari was in the room where the others leaders sat and suddenly felt like the wolrd was shaking some of the men started to growl. A white flash came with the voice about his friend, at first Jabari was struggling to breathe but clumsily got up. He followed Pauls scent guessing the stranger had awoken him. He stumbled about but shifted into his form still feeling the dose of the gun from earlier. Jabari trotted and saw Paul. But Jabari did not see one of the active lands mines, stepping on a twig Paul turned his head and immediatly ran towards Jabari. Was confused but stepped on the mine just as Paul grabbed. For a moment the world seemed to be blue like the spirit realm, but then Jabari thuddded on the ground with Paul next to him. (Its is suppose to be a blue flash to those that saw...Its not Jabari's Power tho, will be explained unless you already figured out what happened.) _ _ _ Jabari looked at Paul there was a piece of shard sticking out of Pauls legs but somehow he seemed totally intact. Jabari felt his head throb and his energy drained again like he was electricuted again. Paul was breathing but seemed to be knocked out again. "Yissie Paul dit is die tweede keer dat jy vandag geklop is" (Yissie Paul thats the second time youve been knocked out today) Jabari said falling backwards, it felt like he had been sprinting an entire rugby field a hundred times over.

Lightning & Night/GH Warriors/M: Paul, Jabari Lightning saw the man step on one of them and growled. A blue flash happened before he saw the two. He barked once and Night hopped down from the tree. "What in the world was that?" Night asked, walking towards them. (Reminder, he still has a facemask on that covers his eyes and mouth) He stopped a couple feet away from the two before crouching down, moving his hand a little. Lightning immediately came over, extending a wing in case they had to get out of there quickly. "Hey, you okay? That was quite the blast you survived." He nodded at Paul, who was knocked out. "You might want to get that shard out before it starts to heal, and get infected."
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Jabari & Paul/Males/??? Jabari was too dazed to speak but tried "Um thanks...Er- There would happen to be a hospital meant for runaways would there?"He said trying to think. He attempted getting back up but fell back down. "Uh, I dont even know myself how I survived, all i know i-is my energy is just gone" Jabari said.

Night/GH Warrior/M:Jabari, Paul Night nodded slowly, "We can go to the old GH camp. Lightning, if you could." Lightning gently picked up the male that was unconscious and Night motioned for the other one to get on his back. Once there, Lightning gently went into the air before flying off to the camp. Landing, he gently placed the male on a leaf bed. Night got off and pulled the other male off leaning him against a tree. Night whistled and Lightning took off to find the herbs needed. Taking a piece of cloth, he gently took the shard out of Paul's leg before wrapping the cloth around it. "What are you doing out in hunter's country?" He asked casually, wanting to figure out who these guys were.
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Jabari/Male/??? Jabari scoffed "Hunter territory? after what I experienced I think ADFA took over" Jabari said half asleep. He shook his head and looked at paul "hmm, he dropped his favourite pistol" Jabari said laughing "he is going to be pissed" he said. Jabari looked around and felt curious.

Night/GH Warrior/M:Jabari, Paul Night paused a moment, "ADFA? What is that?" He had not heard of this yet so this was new. Not that it made any difference, hunters were hunters. The packs would take care of them. He whistled twice, telling Lightning to go for Raven and Starfire. He hoped they would be able to sort this out. . Starfire/FH Alpha/M: Lightning, Night, Stryker Lightning came bounding in, explaining the situation. "Ok, go back there, I will follow." Turning to Stryker, he said, "I want you to keep to the trees. Stay out of sight but make sure you can hear what's going on in case it's an attack." He shifted, leaping into the air, Lightning and Stryker behind him. He landed a little ways from the clearing, giving Stryker a chance to hide and Lightning to get in front of him. Lightning ran off in front of him before sitting next to the injured man. Starfire walked slowly into the clearing, not wanting to scare the man (Jabari) and to show is wings. The fire-wings shone brightly in the dimming light but gave that mystery glare as well. He wanted to know what he was dealing with, what the reaction would be. He stopped in the middle of the clearing, a couple feet away from the 4.
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Stryker/30yrs/Half-Shifter/No Current Allegiance/Male/ M: Starfire, Lightning Stryker looked at the target suddenly floating up and down in front of him. What on earth? Soon he found Lightning rushing into the cave and followed him and Starfire outside. Following orders, Stryker kept himself inside the treeline and out of sight while making sure he was alert just in case the new hunters had something planned for them.