
(Using mobile so not everything will be accurate) Jabari/Male/??? Jabari nodded "I would like that", Jabari said, although he felt nervous "Er...Ill talk to you when I can" He said grinning he then trotted to the white light. Paul/Male/??? As Pauls vision came to view he notices feathers and felt warm he then noticed some food but his attention was on the wings. Paul at firat got a fright when he saw a hooded stranger but then decided to relax " I sure do hope youre not here to eat me alive" He said joking to himself more...He heard someone stir next to and saw the head of Jabari still in his wolf form "well, this is awkward" Paul said.

Nine/Ex-prisoner/M:Fae,Fox,Stryker Nine watched in shock as he yelled and hollored at the fox (And her, idk) Nine whimpered abit and stuck close to Fae,Phase had no idea what to do, "Stryker!" She hollered, though the half-shifter was already gone.

Shadow hward him say " I sure hope you dobn't eat me alive" and tilted her head at him even though he couldn't see her face and decided to stay still they where still laying in her lap, she studyed them and saw theat even though there were two of them she was so much stronger, her eye's changed to yellow and she let out a breath with out moving her wings from covering them the moved the food closer with her wing tips.

Paul & Jabari/Males/??? Paul looked at the food and nodded "No thanks" He said shaking his head, Jabrai was squinting and Paul punched him in the shoulder only to shake his hand "Bliksem(Bugger) I thought the gold effect only works when youre alseep" Paul said, Jabari waved his hand at Paul "Never mind that where are we." He asked now in his human form, Paul looked at the stranger and studied him or her. "If my expertise is correct were in a strangers home who seems to be youre kind" Paul said attempting to get up. Jabari stretched, he could scent the stranger and turned his head "Hmm, Do mind me but I do believe this shifter is female Paul" Jabari said, Paul looked at Jabari "Hm? How do you know that?" Paul asked, Jabari sshrugged "As youd know shifters take form of creatures which do have far greater smell than youre, and since Im a african wolf scenting is a high perk for me" Jabari said, Paul fake coughed and went serious "You could have used that before you were shot?" He asked, Jabari thought of it at could feel the pain all over his body although it wasnt directly serious. "That is a fair point but for some reason they didnt give off much scent." Jabari said but then realised he was still in the persons lap "Oh do excuse me and oh I see there is food, Thank You." Jabari said picking it up and wolfed it down. Paul sighed and looked away.

Shadowa still didn't get up observing them, she kept her wing over the wolf seeing that he was eating but lifted her wing away from the human male seeing he wanted to ger up and with her right hand she grabed a large bowl that was hidden next to her and making sure they couldn't see her hand put it in front of him, the water contained herbs that made it tast and smell good, she observed them in silence, keeping her wing raised in case the human actally tried to get, she felt the cold air it was freezing but it didn't bother her she lookeed at the human male from the corner of her eye to see how he would respond to the the diffrence in temperture.

The wind whiped around and the sky was growing dark again. the weather was growing colder as the darkness grew.

Lily/FH Alpha/Deceased/M:Jabari, Starfire Lily sighed as he left. She went out of the cave to find Moonflower growling at her. "What?" She asked, startled. "You let African in. That's what. If they find that we were once part of his pack, they will destroy us." Moon said, growling. "But you switched sides, right?" Lily replied, wondering why she was so mad. "I did but that is not the point now is it. Follow me Lily." Moon growled at her galloping off in another direction. Lily could do nothing but follow. - - They came upon the forbidden pool and Moon said, "Go. And see why." Lily hesitated before jumping in. It sucked her down until she was put back in the world as a spirit. Quickly, she looked around to find the Jabari and his friend. One looked her way, not sure if they could see her or not she disappeared and found herself in a hunter's camp. A hunter gasped staring at her. 'Great, they can see me' she thought as the hunter scrambled back. She looked around before spotting the African sign. 'Uh oh' was her only thought before her spirit got sucked back into the spirit realm. Moon was standing there watching her. "It is the African! We will have to be careful" she said sadly, thinking she had found a friend. Moon looked at her before saying, "Let's hope he is nothing like that other one who could speak to us."
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Jabari & Paul/Males/??? Jabari suddenly felt a presence but dissapeared before he could so anything "Hm" He said, Paul looked at Jabari "What now?" He asked, Jabari nodded "Nothing...I guess" he said. He then looked at the food that Paul rejected "you going to eat that?" Jabari asked Paul looked at Jabari "Nee dankie"(No Thank you) He scowled "Bluddy glutton" Paul said looking around "What is this place it reminds of the pools under the pyramids" Paul said looking at the winged stranger.

Moon(for a sec)/FH Queen(mother)/M:Jabari, Paul Lily came back up a bit scared and she should be. Moonlight sighed. She went into the pool, and picked the location she wanted to go. Appearing in front of Paul, she sat down tilting her head. After a moment, she decided to test something. She transformed into her regular wolf form and the sign on her shoulder became clear. A wolf symbol in the middle of the African Hunter sign. Tilting her head, she waited for a reaction.
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Regnar sat on the rock hard bed looking at the floor. The sounds of trucks outside were normal to him, slowly he got up and took off his uniform. He then got in his white vest and boxers. He layed on the bed and looked at the ceiling. Before he was about to sleep, someone knocked on his door. Regnar looked at it for a moment before sitting back up "Kom in."(Come in) He said. A young soldier walked in and saluted "Jammer meneer maar die kaptein van ons span soek vir jou" (Sorry sir, but the captain of our teams is asking for you) The man said urgently. Regnar nodded "Reg so dankie, jy kan gaan"(Right so, thank you, you may go) He said getting up. (Fang when lily went to check the african symbol I was not entirely sure wether if it was Regnar or a random soldier but I will edit this post) _ _ Regnar walke dout the dormitory and followed the soldier waiting for him by the entrance. They went to a small building and entered the soldier pressed a button and the elevator went down, the were windows and cameras on which security looked through. Once they reached the lower floor the doors oened showing a massive underground facility, Weapons were layed on racks and men in white coats walked around strange technology. Paul was surprised by with the amount of soldiers guarding this place. Up ahead stood a man looking at Regnar. "Sorry to have awaken you sir but I heard you were the one who retrieved the weapons from the deceased rookies?" The an asked not saluting. Regnar nodded and noticed the box. "Well I hope you burried them, but thats not the main reason why I called for youre audience" The man said, Regnar looked at the box again "You need the blood and power of the box guardians alpha's blood." Regnar said, turning but was stopped when the man called "Yes but we hear you have some of the blood." He called with a sneer. Regnar turned, he reached into his pants pockets and took out a small bag. He walked upto the box and opened the bag he carefully poured the blood into the box's hole. The box glowed, and regnar then looked around. He told one of the soldiers to go fetch a box in his dormitory room, the man dissapeared. They waited for about half an hour when the man returned. Jabari opened the box and took out a finger. "This is the former alpha's finger, it apparently is still flowing with the power needed to open the box but I cant say it does. Regnar stuck the finger into the wholed and twisted it. The box churned but stayed closed. Regnar didnt say anything but turned and left the wide eyed men.