Heyo! Give me a minute while I transfer my character over, and we'll have a vampire to add to the bunch. Here's hoping he remembers his sunscreen. XD
Name: Bastien Marcel Duval
Age: 17
Position: Camper
Creature type: Vampire
Description: Bastien isn’t necessarily someone you’d immediately peg as a vampire. He’s still just as pale as the rest of his kind, and pink certainly isn’t a normal eye color, but he isn’t too loyal to the “dark and brooding” stereotype. His hair is naturally pure white in color, and it’s starting to show at his roots, but his hair has been dyed blonde for so long that most people don’t even know this. He’s a little short in stature, about 5’5, with a slim frame. He has a naturally friendly appearance with his round face and deep-set pink eyes. His fangs are a little on the larger side, making it a bit hard for him to close his mouth fully. As such, he seems to have a near-constant, slightly open-mouthed smile. Bastien tends to dress nicely. His casual attire typically consists of a short-sleeve shirt, usually lightly-patterned, and black pants under a light-colored jacket. He usually also wears a scarf of some sort. Tennis-shoes or boots are his go-to footwear. For more formal occasions, he prefers to wear a simple button-up shirt, dress pants, and dress shoes. He also wears earrings, switching them out every couple of weeks, though he prefers his golden studs. He has a couple of tattoos: one of a robin on his chest and a black and white one of a manticore on his left arm.
Of course, he can turn into a bat. That’s the only other real appearance he has. He turns into a bat, something akin to a normal vampire bat. Yes, that does mean he is tiny. No, that does not mean you can hold/pet him. Not without permission. Bastien’s bat form is 2.8 inches long and weighs about 1.2 ounces and has short, neat, white fur. He has a wingspan of about eight inches, and said wings are a very pale gray. His ears are about the same color. His tiny, beady eyes appear pitch-black in this form. His bat form, like most bats, appears to be a little chubby, a fact he hates. The one difference between him and a normal vampire bat is that he is missing the characteristic two front fangs most vampire bats have, instead having enlarged canines.
Personality: Calm, cool, and collected, like any vampire worth their salt, yet oddly empathetic for his kind. He’s also fiercely loyal to the point of being compared to a wolf. He’s usually willing to help those that need it, but not at the expense of his own health. He tends to play things by the book and does all he can to avoid breaking the rules, but push come to shove he’ll run guns blazing into the thick of things if one of his friends are in trouble. However, as good as he is at hiding it, he tends to take everything he’s told to heart. Every compliment, every insult, every jab at his pride. Quite often, he’ll make subtle changes to himself based on these comments. Paler colors after an outfit was called garish, a little foundation after a few other vampires laughed at him for seemingly somehow getting a tan… Emotionally, Bastien is very easy to hurt. It also means he’s surprisingly easy to manipulate if you know what you’re doing.
Family: His parents are your typical vampires. Bastien also has seven siblings. Yes, seven. Two are older, the rest are still in elementary or middle school. The two older ones have already gone to highschool, though… one did not pass. She failed in her third year and never came home afterwards. He hasn’t seen her since.
Crushes/Dates: None currently
Other: Bastien has a pet bat. Yes, the bat has a bat. Don’t question it. No, it is not another vampire. It’s just a fruit bat. He speaks to it quite often, though it’s hard to understand what he’s saying when he’s speaking French faster than a pegasus can fly. Not a lot of other people, even other mythical creatures, can understand him when he does this.