- Roles/ Characters -
Kyros Eros - Meian (pg2)
Ranee/ Raja:
Princes: (0/1)
Princesses (0/2)
Royal Consort:
Harem (FULL):
Briar Solanine Tinuviel - Spellbound (Pg2)
Taia Slona Antiwain - FrostyK (Pg2)
Vito Gale Ebrahimi - Honeybrook (Pg2)
Grace Mazikeen Grove - Pastry Lord (Pg3)
Reserved for Akira Fire
Reserved for DontAskQuestions
Nobles of the High Court (2/8):
Res by Meian
Res by Overthink
Royal Guards:
Catcher Runagate - Killigen (pg3)
Res for Overthink
Res for Overthink
Res for Meian
- Roles Explained -
Maharaja: The ruler of the kingdom. Has been a king so far, though being male isn't a requirement.
Raja/ Ranee: The queen or king that is subordinate to the Maharaja, though very nearly equal. This person is married to the Maharaja and most likely started out as a simple consort. A consort might exist along with the Raja/ Ranee, though they are usually kept in separate wings for obvious reasons.
Princes/Princesses: These are the siblings of the Maharaja. They rank above everyone except the reigning Maharaja and his spouse. Relationships with each other may vary. They can act as nobility, but pretty much exist to look pretty and flex that the kingdom is wealthy enough to support royals that do nothing all day.
Royal Consort: An individual the Maharaja generally gives more freedoms than those in the harem as far as wandering the castle and socializing with the nobles. The royal consort exists for the same reasons as those in the harem, except this individual is often closer to the Maharaja and an obvious favorite. Ranked below the nobles and just above the members of the harem.
Harem: These individuals exist for the sole purpose of pleasuring and romancing the Maharaja. They may work their way up to a position of royal consort and become ranee/raja from there. Ranked below nobles and the consort, though they are highly ranked overall.
Nobles of the High Court: Basically those who give the Maharaja advice in how to rule the kingdom and assistance in accomplishing his duties. Everything they do must be approved by the Maharaja, and they are ranked just below the Raja/ Ranee, above the consort and members of the harem.
Royal Guards: Could be anything from a private to a general to a personal guard of the Maharaja. These are just the general military of the kingdom. One or two is often seen guarding a high ranked member of the court, such as a noble or the royals (the more playable role is a personal guard). However, the majority are stationed around the kingdom in areas they are needed.
Handmaiden/ Manservant: A personal servant to a princess, prince, noble, the Raja, Maharaja, etc. They are often quite close to their charge, with a friendly relationship. It is common that royals and nobles keep their same handmaiden/manservant throughout their lives unless something gets between them such as the servant starting a family or the royal marrying into a different kingdom. Manservants serve men and handmaidens serve women. If this tradition is challenged, nobody will stop you. If you're comfortable that the opposite sex helps you change, you'll be madly whispered about and most likely judged but nothing more will occur.
**Note: all harem members were selected for a reason, whether they be related to high ranked military, nobility, a childhood friend of Kyros', simply attractive, etc. (be creative :3) Try to make the reason they were chosen obvious in the form. Kyros is also bi, so whichever gender is acceptable
(just gonna put this here for now - harem's wing floorplan)
all credits to me
all rooms are decorated differently, as each was designed with the consort's culture and even personal preferences in mind. Each room is very open with many windows and a large balcony, fitting the common Dhirwaian theme. Each room contains a bathroom, once again, each designed differently to suit the consort.