
Hello, I think I may have a slight problem, or maybe I'm just missing something (not sure).
But here is my problem, I have tried sending mushrooms to three or two packs, both were online and I'm sure are actively played. But every time I hit 'Send', a message along the lines of: "Oops! Packs must be actively played in order to send mushrooms!" I do believe it was something like that.
Thank you.

Game Moderator Neutral
Do they actually play actively? And do you play actively(on the account your reporting this on)? Just being online doesn't count as playing activity, and if they don't play actively, or you don't play actively, it'll give you that error message and won't let mushrooms be sent Edited at October 21, 2017 06:43 PM by Destinations End
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Destinations End said: Do they actually play actively? And do you play actively(on the account your reporting this on)?Just being online doesn't count as playing activity, and if they don't play actively, or you don't play actively, it'll give you that error message and won't let mushrooms be sent
Well, I'm not sure if they play actively. And yes, I do play actively. Would you mind if I sent you 3 mushrooms to test? Since, it seems you play actively.

Game Moderator Neutral
Sure. You can test it that way. I'll send them back if it works.
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Destinations End said: Sure. You can test it that way. I'll send them back if it works.
It came up with this message again: Oops! Packs must be actively played in order to send mushrooms. Edited at October 21, 2017 08:10 PM by Helious

Game Moderator Neutral
How often would you say you are on then?
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Destinations End said: How often would you say you are on then?
I'd have to say everyday. I may skip one day, then log on the day after.

Game Moderator Neutral
That should be enough to not be giving you that message. It could just be that you aren't on enough for the days you are on, but I can't say for sure.
I'm going to move this to the bugs section incase it might be a bug that needs to be looked into
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Destinations End said: That should be enough to not be giving you that message. It could just be that you aren't on enough for the days you are on, but I can't say for sure.
I'm going to move this to the bugs section incase it might be a bug that needs to be looked into
Ah, thank you for your help, I appreciate it.

Administrator Lightbringer