I play on my phone. 2 of my accounts log in fine but my third cannot log in at all. All 3 use the same password, since the new security update I get invalid login message on just the one account. I generally use saved login information because miss-typing happens often on the tiny telephone screen, especially passwords since I cant see what Ive typed before I submit. Regardless when my saved login information (which has always worked before, and which still works for my other two packs) gave me the invalid password message, I then tried typing the password manually. Now I cant get past the recapcha test. I have tried so hard to get all the pictures right but it just keeps repeating the process again and again and again
it never stops. It is very hard to see the what is in very fuzzy images on a tiny telephone screen, and worse, the instructions are often cut off so Im guessing at what I am looking for. So Im not sure if Im continually getting it wrong although I have tried over 20 times now or if the test is glitching out and not letting me past when I get them all right. Either way, I cant login.
Game Moderator Neutral
What are your other two accounts?
I'm currently seeing you only have this account and one other account
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Black Pack -also can log in Singer -couldnt log in yesterday. It let me log in just now today. Still worried it may happen again though.
Administrator Lightbringer
Therre isn't really anything I can do about this. The recapcha is pretty universal and standard on the internet as it is made by Google.
Save your password to your phone.
Password is saved on my phone. That is what I tried first. It didnt let me in.