What is the maximum damage a wolf could deal in a hypothetical situation on WP? Not including vitals.
What's the highest positive/negative vital ever?
What is the minimum damage a wolf could deal? For instance a wolf with 0 Battle and no BE or positive vitals, how much would they deal? And what if a wolf dealt 5 damage, but they had a vital of -6? How would this affect their damage?
How would a wolf be able to deal 0 damage?
What is the standard optimal damage for a battle wolf/explore wolf? Is there a difference between battle wolves/explore wolves for you?
What is the maximum HP of any creature?
What is the default damage for a wolf with 525 BE and maxed out Battle?
For instance, my main battle wolf Amber is 99lbs and has passed the 325 mark, she deals at 23 normally. Once she passes the 525 mark, she should deal at 25 (without vitals). However, I've seen wolves without Crushing Strength/Elite Speed deal damage at 32? They are all 130lb+.
99lb is supposed to be -2 damage so if we add 2, Amber at max would deal 27 damage, which is 5 less than 32. So does this mean that the default damage for a maxed out wolf should be 26? I'm a little confused about how the math works here, does it mean that heavy weights will deal 5 more damage than middle weights?
Also, the weights issues.
Accordingly, a wolf from 110-130lbs will have +2 damage but a wolf from 130-150lbs will have +5 damage. What if a wolf is exactly 130lbs? Will it deal at +2 damage or +5 damage?
Does the gender of the wolf affect anything?
Are vitals semi-inheritable or not at all?
What is the highest vital and lowest vital there is? I have heard some people speak of wolves with 20/-20 vitals.
Is it possible for two heavy weight wolves to have light weight pups?
How much damage can a wolf at 250 Battle deal? (If it were heavy weight)
My main battle wolf, Amber, deals at 23 damage in Explore but 25 damage in PvP? What is the cause for this difference in Explore damage and PvP damage?
Can Snowy Owl Feathers be applied to PvP?
Are Crushing Strength and Elite Speed virtually the same thing? Why have both of them then?
Also, this question isn't really related to damage, but when training up battle wolves, do you focus on the Resolve, Battle, or Agility first? And how much CP (Bronze Figurines) do you buy on average when starting training?
Average mush you spend on a new battle wolf? How long does it take you to train them?
Thanks! :D