Status: ALIVE
Age:(doesn't know age,though she looks about 15 but claims she is around 18ish)
Sexuality: Pansexual

(she is a fox usually,but this is her in wolf form,she has the same markings and pattern colors in fox form,along with the bandanna, actually has a mark around her neck to reveal some raw skin)
Powers(up to 2):Telepathic abilities (she didn't get enough training to use it to communicate with others) can read minds.
Strengths: She learns very quickly, wise, social, positive, tries to be helpful.
Weaknesses: Has breathing problems, trouble eating, drinking and some insomnia, can't run fast due to her breathing problems, claustrophobic.
Personality:she is a shy curious fox who likes to talk to other prisoners and other animals that relate to her,she is a little vengeful,wanting to destroy all hunters,though she seems shy and kind around the hunters the FH bring in as prisoners,she gets frustrated when people cant understand her (doesn't show it and seems patient,even though is is really irritated),and does not share her ideas or opinions,afraid the others will laugh at her.
Background(optional):she was born in a litter of 7,her parents did not have time to teach her shape shifter mode as the skulk was captured by the hunters a moon after they where born,the hunters called her nine and never had a proper name,they abused her and studied her,one day she tried to fight back when getting dragged out and her neck nearly snapped,she damaged her voice-box while struggling,and they did not pay attention to the damage,but she survived the shock.But never made a noise from her mouth again,her parents taught her Morse code and different sign languages before they where taken away and never seen again,her siblings went to a different place as Nine had to get special attention,she slowly got used to shape shifting and was able to turn into animals,not as good as the others though,one day the FH came to rescue the prisoners,though her siblings sadly where at another lab and she still never saw them(sorry how long and bad this is I tried ;p)
Mother: ??? (Deceased?)
Father: ???? (Deceased?)
Siblings (6):
??? (Deceased?)
??? (Deceased?)
??? (Deceased?)
??? (Deceased?)
??? (Deceased?)
??? (Deceased?)
(I will post one fact everyday about her)
Random facts:
She tries to act like a consular to other prisoners.
One day in the lab she was practicing her powers when she accidentally threw a glass at a scientist, they punished her by putting her in alittle box for days, making her claustrophobic
The bandanna was actually her mothers, who gave it to her to hide the nasty mark around her neck.
Nine is alittle Toxic.
Nine can actually make some noise (Ex. Whining and squeaking), if she tried or the humans worked harder on her, but due to the amount of time she was mute the humans didn't notice and Nine was too scared.
There was a time the humans wanted to put her down because of the many weaknesses she had, but because of how smart she was, they decided to spare her.