Genre: Science fantasy (Think fantasy but with science fiction sort of logic and reasoning behind the events and such.)
This roleplay will take place in a world where characters can range from humanoid to beast and have powers dependent on lineage or environment. You could have a hybrid character, a witch, a merfolk, a nature spirit, and so on. Just make sure not to overpower them or give them an overly perfect look, back story, or personality. They can be royalty or lowclass or anything else you can think of. Obey site rules please and don't do anything you think might make the other players uncomfortable (be mindful in otherwords).
No character sheets needed for this. What I do want is for this to have a note of mystery to it. So throughout you can gradually introduce your character's name, appearance, species, powers, and so on.
Once we have four people interested then we can start and others can join in at any point if they want. Just please make sure to time the character's entrance in a convenient way.
(Side note: please excuse any spelling errors I may make. I have dysgraphia and some memory issues.)