
RULES : 1. Need time to write something? ( use .WIP) 2. Hate the character, not the person 3. Limit cursing 4. If you plan to kill, please let me know and I will do the same for you 5. Reply at least 1-2 times a day ( if you can) 6. If you have writer's block, let me know. I'll understand as I will have writers block as well now and then. 7. Please ask me if you intend to kill any one of my charachters. So I can get anothe rone ready ahead of time. I will do the same for you. 8. I try and not curse in real life or in chat. But sometimes things just have to come out xD Up to you how you're characters feel. Just dont do it too often. 9. If you have any ideas on what could happen throughout the rp, please dont hesitate to PM me the idea. I would love to hear them. GENRE:ROMANCE/ADVENTURE Edited at September 30, 2021 10:02 AM by LunarOrbitPack

CHARACTER SHEET: Name: Chase Graydon Age: immortal Gender: Male Likes: hights, moon, adventure, making friends, music Dislikes: rude people, darkness, human blood ( makes him go crazy) Personality: great to be around. Adventurous, Type: Vampire Family( if any): Mercy (sister) Edited at September 30, 2021 06:55 AM by LunarOrbitPack

Name: Londie/London Walker Age: bleh not sure what the ag limit is but ima just say he's 21 Gender:Male Likes: Rain, Dark corners, Music, Soft things. Dislikes: Being wet, high places. Personality: nervous, shy and a bit of a coward Type: Vampire Family: Ren (brother ) Edited at September 30, 2021 10:02 AM by SWIFT BLUIE <3

Age: just what I chose for me. You can be whatever you want SWIFT BLUIE <3 said: Name: Londie/London Walker Age: are they supposed to be immortal or dat just what you chose- Gender:Male Likes: Rain, Dark corners, Music, Soft things. Dislikes: Being wet, high places. Type: Vampire Family: Ren (brother )

Londie walked out of the store and put the groceries in his car, he got inside and turned the radio on before driving to his apartment. He got everything out of the car and opened the door to the apartment almost expecting something to be there, but no one was there, and he put the groceries away. He took a look around and then turned and shut the door, he went to his car and drove to a nearby park. He parked and walked to a bench and sat down, he looked up to the sky and shut his eyes, and only a few minutes later it began to sprinkle, and then pour.. He got up as soon as he felt the rain, and he rushed to his car, he got in and began to drive home, but the road was slippery and no sooner had he got out of the parking lot did he crash into a car. ( I really have no idea what i'm doing right now- i've never started one )

( no worries. You did fine.) Chase growled as he got hit from behind " What a damned moron!" e cursed as he looked in the rear view mirror " No way is that one gonna get away wth it" He got out of the car, getting wet in the process and looked at the rear. " Damn it" He hit one of the lights before walking to the other car. Tapping it angrilly " Hey! You!"

A bit dazed from the crash, he got out of the car "I- Um sorry, The road is wet from the rain.." he looked over at the other car and saw how beat up it was, he started thinking about how much it would cost for the repairs.. There was no way he could afford that and tried to talk with him " I swear i didn't mean to hit your car-"

" Do you have any idea how much that car of mine cost!" He growled. His eyes red. But then he relaxed before getting closer " Alright alright. dont get your fangs in a knot... I'll take care of this. But the next time, you will pay. Got it?" He walked up to him and glared at him. The way an Alpha looked at his omega.

"Y-yeah got it" He shuddered. He breathed a sigh of relief and got back inside his car. ( I'm really not sure what happens after you cash cause i never have- are they waiting for a tow truck or something? ) Edited at September 30, 2021 02:00 PM by SWIFT BLUIE <3

( Nah I have an idea XD) " Good" he said not looking back at the other male. He just got into his own and drove a mile south to his apartment ( we will make it so that they are in the same building.. just different floor) By the time he got there, he parked in his resereved space and went to call a guy he knew to get him the new parts. What he didnt know whs that the guy that hit him, was in the same building as he was.