
STILL ALIVE but with s t o r y ... technically.  Emmalynn (Lynn) West  Teagan West (her little brother)  Orion Ramirez (Teagan's Coworker/manager who became one of Teagan's best friends. Much to Lynn's annoyance, he cares about her too.)
but a small doodle;  Just to test out chibi and stuff. Make sure I still got that. Eventually though....  Lynn and Orion... will become a t h i n g (c)85543
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Hi, me again. A roleplay boi, named Kayvan.  Orion and fire  Aaannddd Caspian, my new sona. Because I wasn't satisfied before and now I love him.    (Yes, I did reuse the lines. It's Disney-ing)  (C)85543
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... I have roller skates?  Yes I do. What do I do with them?  Crash. Lol, I'm just kidding. I don't fall down that much. And a small headshot of Caspian because I am obsessed  (C)85543
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These are delicious. Thank you, Nymph. :) <3

haha roller skates- that's a mood. :') absolutely love how you draw wings and the fire! great work. :)

Awhh, thank you both!! I bring a little more (this time for my bio... which will be rewritten eventually.)  Stand down, Xavian. It's alright. And, the boi in his full glory;  Growling/snarling? One of the two. Man, it's been so long since I've done anything with Xavian. ...
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<3 Oooh hello, Xavian. :3 I like the stripes on him, and the different greys! Very nice, dude.

A roleplay form of Adonis;  But if the roleplay doesn't do much then he'll be shoved with these three. I give no context. Only names.  Aleia  Michaelis  Rueben (c)85543
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Ooooh they all look super nice! Aleia specifically is like, fire.

I drew birbs.  AND I made a crap ton of little like... doodles of Caspian.      All of which are done by me; (c)85543
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