
Crimson roses said: Oh...oh...
Not only is Eve savage https://i.postimg.cc/hvSB7mR6/memme.png
Shes has great wisdom. https://i.postimg.cc/MT3DykCw/memme-part-2.png
Thanks Eve for these tips. xD
I was asking her questions about dating, ect.

Here a meme https://postimg.cc/DJSSwKF4

Death Valley Bridge said: Here a memehttps://postimg.cc/DJSSwKF4
Gold XD

Shadowpack13 said:
When Darkness Falls said:
Stars' Lullaby said: https://media.makeameme.org/created/yeet-the-tec.jpgDo you get it? Probaby not
Please explain
meh avi

Echoing Halls said: https://i.postimg.cc/Ghz6L67D/F31-E17-CA-D414-4565-84-B4-75-AEB1-DD6-E84.jpg
A bunch of random players arguing of course! XD

Two pregnant bois. Not judging at all there is no ill will here but I quickly caught that. Don't worry, I bet they are 100/10 good pregnant boys no wonder more than half of players devotingly torture themselves when they breed their wolves like this. Bpack said:
Galaxia said: https://i.imgflip.com/2ucn9v.jpghelp me
This has happened to 100% of WP players. Seriously.
Edited at February 26, 2019 12:56 PM by Transcendence

If I'm not dead yet, I'm dying of laughter now, especially since I think I know and remember this one. Sabbath said: Here's one I made when a player talked back to a mod in chathttps://i.postimg.cc/63Y4FpYL/meme.jpg

A lot happened inchat while you mods were out and this little bit came up. It needs a little more context but: Transcendence : I couldn't screenshot what Xeno said so I don't remember it well but I think it was along the lines of: Xeno: Some people like to shoot pigeons.
Transcendence : Note: Don't worry, this is true friendly banter- the epitome of banter like seeing a friend but like a Jojo encounter. Edited at February 9, 2020 12:55 AM by Akukissune <3

We cant let this die *^*
