
Chat be great. XD Btw Venn, your banners broken XD. Edited at February 9, 2020 01:30 AM by Akukissune <3

Warrior said: https://i.postimg.cc/BZcSnH2V/Venn.png
Chat be great. XD Btw Venn, your banners broken XD.
That's a nice wolf butt she has there.

Snowy Owl said:
Warrior said: https://i.postimg.cc/BZcSnH2V/Venn.png
Chat be great. XD Btw Venn, your banners broken XD.
That's a nice wolf butt she has there.
Haaa I love this! XD


Snow spark said: Im sad I can't see it.
I screenshotted it though. Now we will be able to see it forever. XD

Warrior said: https://i.postimg.cc/BZcSnH2V/Venn.png
Chat be great. XD Btw Venn, your banners broken XD.
Wolf butts are attacking XD We must protect our banners!
*Not a premium and doesn't have a banner*

* Totally not making fun of the all-powerful and very serious and renowned Venn whatsoever. Just so yea all know.

Warrior said:
Snow spark said: Im sad I can't see it.
I screenshotted it though. Now we will be able to see it forever. XD
Lol the first attack of the butts!

Warrior said: * Totally not making fun of the all-powerful and very serious and renowned Venn whatsoever. Just so yea all know.
I made fun of her before because of her typos
I don't see the problem, lmao

Kodiak said:
Aphmau clan said: https://i.imgflip.com/282kf1.jpg
sorry not sorry
I was looking through some old memes Not sorry XD