▷ Name: Saturnine Bishop Holt.
▷ Nicknames, Aliases, etc.: Saturn, Nine. His mother would call him "Malaika", which means "angel" in Swahili, and Lar likes to call him a variety of different nicknames that are flattering, embarrassing, insulting, and/or all of the above.
▷ Gender: Cis-male.
▷ Sexuality: Pansexual.
▷ Status & Partner: Engaged - Lawrence Lockwood-Wolfgang, a.k.a Laren, Lar, or Ace.
▷ Offspring: Currently, his only biological child is Remus. He has three adopted sons; Romulus, Cupid, and Micah.
▷ Dam: Kyouka Holt - previously Kyouka Jane. Deceased.
▷ Sire: Unknown to him. The man left, for unknown reasons, when Saturn was seven years old.
▷ Other (Significant) Family: He has a younger brother named Andreas, who went missing some time ago. His grandfather died recently. His mother died when he was fairly young, around eleven or twelve years old, but his grandmother, Reece Jane, is still alive and quite healthy. And, of course, his beloved python, Keith, is still around. <3
▷ Species: Unknown. He's in the midst of interrogating his grandmother.
▷ Ethnicity: Norse, Scottish, English, Scandinavian, Spanish. Yeah, I know, his height doesn't make sense now.
▷ Hair: White with black tips. Thick, tufted, and silky. Usually combed back or to one side.
▷ Facial Features, Scars, etc.: Gentle, mousy brown eyes with a warm auburn center. Oval-shaped face. Strong jaw, defined cheekbones. He has several scars along his jaw, the bridge of his nose, and his left eye, but his porcelain skin still seems pure. He has small deer antlers, like that of a young buck. They're a dark coffee-ish color.
▷ Height, Weight, Build: 5'7''. Decent athletic build, fit for a healthy king.. even though he's kind of small for a grown man. x) He's about 130 pounds.
▷ Personalty: Saturnine is a very gentle and collected character. He seems to always have his head where it needs to be and is known as the "chill" parent, although sometimes he can get annoyingly serious to the point of where his children can't actually take him seriously. He's playful with his children and his lover, and he's a sucker for puppy-dog eyes and cuddling. He's also seen as a bit naive but this is rarely ever taken advantage of because most who know him are aware that he's probably going to consent to whatever they want, anyway. And, of course, there's dad mode, where he becomes aggressively protective of those he cares about.
▷ Background information:
Former marine.
He is suspected to be related to deities, but his abilities are unknown.
He's very protective of the several belongings gifted to him as a child and will get upset if they are touched or tampered with.
His skin doesn't scar easily and heals fairly quick.
For some reason, he has an irrational fear of birds, but he loves snakes~ He has one, actually; His pretty little Ball Python, Keith.