
"Rigotomas. O' highest king..."
Name: Alyth Fletcher
Gender: Female
Age: 18-23
Personality: She is serious as she is wonderful. {WIP WIP WIP WIP}
Brief Biography:
Important Nonsense:
Miscellaneous:Edited at June 13, 2017 04:29 PM by D I K A I O S

"I am Steampunk. Literallly and also, because that is my name."
Name: Steampunk
Gender: Stallion
Age: 12
Appearance: {See picture} A robotic equine with yellow glass bulb eyes and yellow glass sides. ;D
Personality: Steampunk is rather forward in his thinking and approach to all things. He speaks the truth and anyone denying it will get a swift and curt response. In his attempts to be sweet and kind he often is cold and harsh. His computer programs don't exactly allow him to be emotional though, so he can't exactly be super empathetic towards another being's emotional status. Despite his ability to hook up to the internet and literally "learn" from reliable sources he is very hard to get along with at times due to the facts about his personage.
Brief Biography: As a young machine he was owned by a young man with a knack for creativity. The two were close, and Steampunk and his kid were inseparable. Steampunk was his boy's guardian, best friend, and the one thing which made him different. Steampunk gave him everything a boy of his age could need. However, time ticked by, and life started loosing its meaning as the boy stopped loving him. The child he had known was turning into a man, and that man was cynical and cold. Steampunk didn't change through the ages, so all he could do was wait for his master's call and hope he wasn't forgotten. Years passed, he wandered the earth his antennas poised to catch the call so he could rush to the aid of his one and only kin. Faithfully he never strayed, never lingered too far from his master's ability to call. His body did not need human attention, he was well tended to by his own little impish machines. He wanted however, to go to his master, to allow the man to tinker and play with him as they had always done in the past. Unfortunately for his loyalty and dear trust, the man sent for the equine machine. One can only imagine how excited Steampunk was, he practically threw himself towards his master at a pace which would kill most any creature on the planet. He ran for miles, his body grinding at a pace which would run him down so quickly.
When he arrived however he was acutely disappointed. The greeting was bitter-sweet, the man stroked his face then plugged a small thumb-drive into the port behind his ear. Everything faded for a moment, and Steampunk knew all was lost. He was passed into the hands of some scientists who longed to learn how the strange machine operated. However, those secrets were not so easily found out. Steampunk fought at first. His mind and body. He longed for the truth to be that this was all a mistake, that his master was out there waiting for him to come back. But the man was not, his pay check kept him from feeling the slightest remorse. Yet Steampunk, unable to fade away or die, lived on taking their treatment stoically and dreaming of a better life. This went on for so long, and eventually he had to get away. When he did he wandered again, as he knew he would have to for all eternity, until at last someone might love him. And at last he might find home.
Important Nonsense:
Miscellaneous: Edited at May 30, 2017 03:26 PM by D I K A I O S

"Shadows can do more harm than one thinks..."
Name: Intent of Malice
Gender: Stallion
Age: Ageless
Brief Biography:
Important Nonsense:

"Life... it is a promise for only a few who claim it."
Name: Mangrove
Gender: Mare
Age: Eternity
Brief Biography:
Important Nonsense:

"Swift is the wind. Swift is the wave in the sea. Swift is... me."
Name: Tachys
Gender: Female
Age: 1,238
Appearance: An albinoid chimera with cremello like fur.
Personality: Tachys is sweet and gentle, however she is also vicious and hard.
Brief Biography:
Important Nonsense:
Miscellaneous: Edited at May 25, 2017 11:12 AM by D I K A I O S

"The day will come when you won't see me coming and you'll finally perish."
Name: Ngea
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Appearance: Ngea's appearance is very natural and very wolfish. Her eyes are a golden amber color, with dark flecks. Her skin is bronze toned with dark freckles scattering across her countenance. She stands at 5'5" and is very slimly built. She is lithe and seemingly small, though like a wolf is graceful and stranger than she appears.
Personality: Ngea is sharp, protective, and doesn't tend to respond to hostility kindly. She is tough as nails and prickly as a cactus. Though similar to the prickly plant she is a beautiful being when the time is taken to get to know her.
Brief Biography: All her family was slaughtered when she was a small child, her only remaining family was with her until her seventeenth birthday. Because of this she has always lingered in the wood, and is dangerous and swift.
Important Nonsense: Her favorite weapon is a type of blade that very few people are skilled enough to use.
Miscellaneous: She adores the colors of the wood, grey, green, and blue.

"In a age where all worlds come together, it should not be surprising the histories have merged." Name: Ashayt Xéno
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Appearance: Ashayt has a very Grecian appearance, her nose is slightly roman and her face is shaped more like a Greeks, she also has high cheek bones. Her skin tone however is the pleasant hue of most Egyptians. Her hair is long and dark brown, with a very slight wave to it. Her eyes are beautiful and extremely dark brown with small flecks of gold. She stands at 5'6" and is very slim and graceful in appearance. She usually wears a blend of flax and linen.
Brief Biography:
Important Nonsense: Her mother is a Greek demi-god and her father is the Egyptian god Thoth.
Edited at June 1, 2017 03:52 PM by D I K A I O S

Name: άκρη
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Appearance: Akri has startlingly dark blue eyes with silvery flecks. They are neither jovial or malevolent, however they seem to sheen with a nearly mocking gleam. His skin tone is a pale bronze hue, paired with thick and extremely light colored hair. He stands at 6'3" and has a slight, yet muscular frame. He has a very slim scar across his left brow, reaching from the right of his brow to his hairline. It's very faint and is only perceivable when his forehead is wrinkled.
Personality: Eh, I need to figure out how he acts and such.
Brief Biography:
Important Nonsense:

"The mere complexity of the universe and worlds they hold in their heads is more than enough to cause them to shut down and fall silent."
Name: Flesh-Bender
Aliases: F.B, Jack
Gender: Male
Age: roughly around 12,000 years
Human Appearance: WIP
True Form: Similar to Anubis he has the head of a jackal/dog, and he has the body of a man. However his arms are more hairy and the transition from beast to man parts is more subtle and natural. His eyes are a shade of violent yellow/gold, and they seem to be made of fire rather than the actual flesh of eyes. His fur is thick, extremely so that it folds in gentle waves and usually looks mused. His muzzle is long, his ears are sharply triangular and lined with thick and soft fur. His nose is a dark color, though not exactly black. He is a very light and lithe form, more graceful than his muscular younger brother Anubis. His neck is shaped rather like an angry cobra's and flares out at the top behind his skull in a way. From the front he is a very imposing being, even more terrifying is the teeth lining the inner of his maw. They are sharp and though they follow the same pattern as a dogs look far more dangerous and terrible. Lining the end of his muzzle just bellow his nose and near his lips are three lines of rather large and obvious pores where whiskers grow. Usually he keeps his whiskers well trimmed, though on bad days or when he has no access to sharp scissors he tends to let them grow out. His head is rather muscular, his jaws are extremely so and the musculature is easily defined by the shadows which hint at his strength. He stands incredibly tall in this form, reaching 6'9" in his natural form. Usually in this form he simply wears a pair of military style pants and goes barefooted. His feet, are rather like a werewolf's though he continuously denies that he is anything of that sort. Which of course, is true. His hair/fur is very thick and dense, usually it is the color of sand though as the hairs are hollow the hair tends to change its general appearance wherever he is. I shall add a picture later.
Brief Biography:
Important Nonsense: He has a constant companion, an eyeless slave called Choris or Flightless.
Miscellaneous: Edited at June 15, 2017 11:47 AM by D I K A I O S
