Kovachi (Just as it is spelled it sounds. KO.VA.CHI.)
6 (dog years)
Very early stages of choroidermia and cataract on left eye. Albinism.
Kai Ken
A tall, lengthy legged Kai Ken with albinism.
Picture: https://postimg.org/image/i9rrnre4r/
LINEART CREDIT: http://voskir.deviantart.com/art/free-dog-lineart-PSD-470358331
Desired Rank
Medic. Though with years she will go completely blind.
(Lead Medic if there will be more than one.)
Kovachi is a gentle hearted and wise minded canine. Her temperament is calm and she brings mediation to a misguided or chaotic situation. Despite her failing eyesight she is a dedicated medic and continues to practice using her other senses for when her vision fails her completely. Kovachi is also a quick thinker and a fast resolver of issues. When something troubles her however, she internalizes it and becomes very quiet. Even during protest she stays generally quiet, but is eager to speak up to the whole crowd to attempt to soothe the nerves of others.
Kovachi has a deep hatred for the human folk who keep them here without giving them regular medical attention. The only time the female is loud is when she retreats to the edge of a beach and screams to the sky, the ocean, and curses the world for their damnation.
Kovachi was not born in the solitary confinement of the sick animals. She knows her homeland as The Green Bed - and imagines where times were peaceful and the world wasn’t full of a putrid sickness. Kovachi was separated from her family at around a 8 months old.
She lived on a moor, far from human civilization except for the occasional campers down a dirt road. She had been out and about sniffing and playing with her siblings, their mother Chaio watching them and their father Reneli, tracking down lunch to feed his pack. Chaio watched her puppies play happily, bantering and chasing each other when a pack of humans much like her own pack were wandering and playing on the moor. Chaoi called for her children but with little luck they didn’t hear her. A human child came bounding up very quickly to the puppies - not in harm, just excitement (however the dogs didn’t know that) and Chaio leaped in front of her pups and let out a shrieking howl and a low menacing huff from her throat. Renali came running, as well as the human pack - ready to protect their offspring. A large human male picked up the child and kicked Chaoi away, causing Renali to bite hard into the ankle of one of the men. Another man had pulled a pocket knife and stabbed Renali in the back of the neck, leaving him to bleed out. Chaoi quickly fled with her puppies, trying to keep them all together, as she could not carry four at a time. Kovachi was accidentally left behind, terrorized and stuck in place by fear. Everything is slightly foggy after this point. The sound of her mothers call bellowed in her tall ears as she was carried away. Later that evening she awoke in the sick place.
Kovachi was mentored by a jackal named Ruby, who taught her everything she needed to know. Ruby was old, but healthy and the sickness unfazed her - which made her a wonderful medic. - Ruby died of old age when Kovachi was 3 1/2, leaving her with the skills to help others as Ruby had helped her, and many more.
Quick Thinker
Her failing eyesightInternalizes her issuesFeels a deep, burning hatred for the people who brought them here and being separated from her family.
Lorien - Male
Aserai - Male
Milori - Female
Mother - Chaio
Father - Reneli
Underline: Unknown if dead or alive.
Crossed Out: Dead.
Roleplay Example
Kovachi watched with her weary eyes as the dawn arose before her to lighten the Earth. She watched the shadows dance as the sun came up, for they always danced in the morning and the night, the sickness never fazing them and never slowing them down. Her tail swung side to side slowly, making a light rainbow shaped pattern on the ground. A breeze blew through the air, ruffling the un-groomed fur around her face and tangled whiskers. She inhaled, the smell of sickness and salt floated around her. Despite the smell being horrendous, it was something she was used to. Kovachi healed who could be healed daily as best as she could, but sometimes envied the ones who would pass through, wondering where they would travel to next - or if they even traveled at all.
Kovachi! Kovachi! We need you - NOW!
High pitched yelping and the sound of panting came bounding towards her at full speed.
Before Kovachi could hear the full status of the situation, she already began to move out - quickly. - She reached the animal sniffing for sign of infection or sickness. ‘Not this one,’ she thought to herself.
Tell me where.
Kovachi made sure to use an assertive, yet gentle tone.
The small animal ran off, casually glancing behind to make sure Kovachi was following. Soon, Kovachi was ahead of the animal. The smell of fresh decay and blood filled her nostrils. The minute she got there she would have to bark out orders for supplies.
In order to save a life here, contribution was a necessity.
Im here now, I will do the best that I can.
She spoke airily as she bounded towards the sickness.