
 Stock Images. All Images Credits to Dark-Wolfs-Stock Name: Hakon "The Highest Son" in Norse Age: 6 Gender: Male Rank: Warrior Desired Rank: He's content, but he dreams of being a Earl Dominance Level: #5 Appearance:  Hakon is a medium sized canine with an ordinary frame, being on the bulkier side. He stands at an average 29 inches but if he properly stood he would be 30 inches in height. While might not necessarily be overly agile or swift, the outline of his lithe muscles are quite visible beneath his glistening pelt and he sports particularly long legs. His paws are large for his size and well suited for running and balance, and his claws are quite large, in fact, they are quite deadly and useful, an appendage that alloweds him to harm those who try and harm him or those he does care about. With average length fur of a tannish brown hue, his coloring might be considered rather plain if it weren't for the darker brown colored markings on his back: a fluid cape that drizzles down his flanks like melted chocolate. His points are colored in lighter hues, with his his underbelly, paws, inner ears, and muzzle are a creamy beige and the tip of his fuzzy tail is splotched in white. He keeps his pelt well groomed, as his meticulous personality deems it necessary. Hakon 's jaw is slender but well-defined, encasing sharp, pearly white, and perfectly aligned teeth, a feature he is quite proud of. His muzzle is topped with a small nose of dull, matte pink, the same color as his paw pads. His eyes are a pale, cool blue, like the water of a mountain stream, and just as cold and clear, holding an aloof, almost bored expression. Three small dots of descending size trail from besides his left eye like dark, chocolate-colored tears, markings that dirty his otherwise blemish-free face and give him an aura of shadowed cynicism Personality:  At first glance, this canine conveys the exact portrait of what a wolf should be: silent yet tense, wild yet peculiarly clever, free-spirited yet calm, with some brooding quality of his composure imposing a rather intimidating air despite his average size. Aloof and possessing an almost callous disregard for the affairs of others, he conveys a slight disdain in the expression of his eyes which he likes to hide beneath smooth and witty, if often meaningless, articulations. Despite his imposing stance, he is typically passive in his behavior and never one to lead or give orders. Yet, while he has no wish to dominate over others, he despises being talked down to. Strong-willed and independent, he is neutral towards authority and only follows orders if he deems them to be practical, or if he is in need of something productive to do. Thus, he is not the most ideal model of pack unity, and does get into disputes from time to time. Yet, he would never think to leave this pack: For not only is this territory a lovely place, it would be too difficult to find another purpose in life worthy of his dedication. As a meticulous and hardworking individual, he takes pride in his work for the pack and sets high personal standards. Duty is something he can respect, and even if he does not care much for morals or emotions, he has appreciation for fellow contributors. This male may act friendly enough to the ones he takes a liking to, but it is mostly an act of polite courtesy. In reality, he has an almost crippling inability to form meaningful relationships, resulting in few friends and an unwillingness to confide in anyone, at least with matters of personal importance. Undeniably, it is extraordinarily difficult to gain his trust. This is because of no particular reason at all, and while he has searched within for the cause of his distrust, he has not yet found an answer, only coming to the conclusion that there are merely some traits determined by fate. For what else could explain the following contradictions of his personality? His identity fluctuates between what he perceives himself to be and what a more primal he truly is, and can come off as hypocritical. He is usually methodical yet tends acts on impulse: not in a bold, loud way, but in a secret, sly manner. He believes he can read others like a book, but in truth, he is (as you may have already perceived), emotionally insensitive. He is caught between the desire to discuss something profound, and an adversity towards deep-rooted, sincere communication. Hakon is actually quite content and generally satisfied with his lot on life, though he doesn't show it well due to his inability to voice gratitude. Yet, despite his sharp tongue and sometimes bitter words, he possesses a surprisingly optimistic character deep within his heart. Truly a philocalist, he is appreciative of life and its little beautiful things, be it the vast wildness found in the scenery of a dusky forest or the trivial mysteries of trinkets found whenever they raid. However, being selfish in nature, he treasures these realizations as his private joys and has no desire to share them, believing others to be either unworthy or unable to understand. One of Hakon's strongest traits (and greatest flaws) is his pride: a double-edged sword that is simultaneously his greatest motivator and a spur for selfishness. Embedded in his soul is a hidden arrogance that is rarely seen unless provoked. And once tempted, he is prone to release a bizarre form of anger that is at once cold, yet simmering, a dangerous predicament like the boiling of blood in space. While logically thinking, he wishes no harm to anyone, truly. But if someone stands in the way of his wishes, his priorities are strictly determined... in favor of himself. Backstory:Crush: Hmm. Mate: No Pups: No Other: Edited at October 14, 2021 05:50 PM by Spellbound

 Stock Images. All Images Credits to Dark-Wolfs-Stock Name: Lykhtkk Means "bad weather"; derived from Nivkh lykh. This name was used on baby girls born on days of inclement weather. Age: 5 Gender: Femme Rank: Omega Desired Rank: Warlord or Lady, no in between Dominance Level: #1 Appearance: words words words words Personality:  Calm, cold, and calculating are the first words to come to mind when you meet Veridi. An observer, she always seems to watch and listen more than talking. She is quiet, but never enough to be a pushover, speaking up only when she needs to. A strong believer in pack ranks, she wouldn't hesitate to show submission to a higher rank. Likewise, any wolves below her should do their best to show respect, to avoid sharp words and a presentation of her own dominance. Prefering not to step out of line, she enjoys following orders and the rules of the pack. Always looking to climb higher in the ranks, she will do whatever it takes to get to her goal, and maybe even higher from there. She's nothing less than intelligent, always seeming to have an inexplicable aura surrounding her thoughts. Ever-watching of the behavior of her packmates, reading the room is almost effortless to her. Anger comes slowly to her, outbursts being very scarce when it comes to this wolf. Holding a lot of patience, it would take quite a while to genuinely annoy her, although it would become known if you did. When upset, her words become her weapon, sharp and dangerous as she likes to hit where she knows it hurts. A quick liar, she can twist the truth around until the orgin is unbeknownst. Loyal to a fault, she swears upon her pack, willing to fight and die for the good of it. She is proud to be a member of the Night Shade pack, almost looking down upon others who aren't in the same pack. Caring at the core, she only does what she believes is best for the pack and her packmates, whether it is keeping them in line or getting up an hour early to hunt. is not afraid to state her opinion, even if she understands that she will face certain contradiction. Holding a knack for persuasiveness, she is always willing to explain her logic and reasoning, although it is often far too complex for many to grasp. Regardless, if she feels that any decision enroaches into moral degeneration, she will not hesitate to put a wolf back in line. This would also be due to her assertive nature. words words words words Backstory:Crush: Hmmm. Mate: None Pups: It's forbidden Other: She's open to be the Thrall of a Higher Ranked wolf Edited at October 15, 2021 08:18 AM by Spellbound

Stock Images. Credits to Quietbliss on DA Name: Age: 7 Gender: Stag Herd: Rank: Garrison Desired Rank: Content, but something higher would be nice Thoughts on The Herd: Appearance: - 4ft tall - 644 lbs -Handsome Coat - Well formed rack of antlers -8 inch tail - Built like a tank, absolute powerhouse words words words Personality: When first meeting this male you notice how stoic he can be. He with a stony expression - a gaze that constantly seem to be watching and analyzing others. Crush: Whichever is the favorite of his ladies. Mate: Open for 2 Does he favors. Fawns: Open Kin: Affiliations: Open Other: Edited at October 22, 2021 07:03 AM by Spellbound

Name: Age: Gender: Hind/Doe Herd: Rank: Sentinal Desired Rank: Content Thoughts on The Herd: Appearance: Stock Images. Credits to windfuchs on DA words words words Personality: Crush: We'll see Mate: No Fawns: Open Kin: Nope Affiliations: Open Other: Edited at October 22, 2021 01:17 AM by Spellbound

Name: Age: 5.5 Years Gender: Hind/Doe Herd: Rank: Zenana Desired Rank: Elder Council Thoughts on The Herd: Appearance: Stock Images. Credits to ISOStock on DA words words words Personality: Crush: We'll see Mate: No Fawns: No Kin: Open Affiliations: Open Other: Edited at October 22, 2021 01:24 AM by Spellbound

Name: Age: Gender: Herd: Rank: Desired Rank: Thoughts on The Herd: Appearance: Stock Images. Credits to Ylliny on DA words words words words Personality: Crush: Mate: Fawns: Kin: Affiliations: Other:

My Form Name: Nicknames: Age: Gender: Rank: Desired Rank: Appearance: Stock Image. Credits to edgedkennel on DA Personality: Crush: Mate: Offspring: Other:

Name: Nicknames: Age: Gender: Rank: Desired Rank: Appearance: Stock Image. Credits to Cookiesofthecimarron on DA Personality: Crush: Mate: Offspring: Other:

Name: Nicknames: Age: Gender: Rank: Desired Rank: Appearance: Stock Image. Credits to MissJaneDark on DA Personality: Crush: Mate: Offspring: Other: