5/10 I could have sworn I read that before.
Did you know in the early sound concepts of Darth Vader, he was beeping, clicking, and breathing? Sound Designer Ben Burtt remarked that "and he sounded like the ER, the whole room at once".
6/10, I didn't know that but I'm not a huge Star Wars fan ^^ -- Did you know the average person is carrying 3 pounds of bacteria in/on their bodies? And that the average human has more bacteria cells in their bodies than human cells? But have no fear - about 5% of bacteria are pathogenic, meaning they don't hurt humans.
9/10 Did not know that. -- Our stomach acid is strong enough to burn through metal.
8/10- what? Am I going to die now? XD (Seriously though this is concerning) -- The eye of an ostrich is larger than its brain.
9/10 I did not know that and I wonder if that's true for some humans.... --- Did you know that J.R.R. Tolkien was born in South Africa?
4/10 I did not know that, nor do I know who that is XD ~~~~ Did you know grapes light on fire in the microwave?
10/10 I had no clue grapes were even flammable Did you know that the phrase "Man's best friend" actually derived from a closing statement in a civil court case? It happened in Missouri in 1870, and it was taken all the way to the supreme court?
9/10 nope Did you know that the Pacific Giant Octopus can fit into a hole the size of a quarter?
8/10 No clue what that was or any other info on it, but cool! -- A new fact that I just learned: "All humans have an automatic dive reflex. When your face is submerged in cold water or when you hold your breath, your heart slows and your blood vessels narrow to conserve oxygen." probably explains why I sometimes breathe underwater.
10/10 That's pretty cool! Next time I swim imma check that out! ~~~~ Did you know: McDonald's once created bubblegum-flavored broccoli