StarDarc Ad you wait there, the buck loses interest. He steps back, disappearing into the vegetation. Some of the other goats seem to not be as interested, but some stay where they are. Then one put a hoof forward, then steps the whole way out of the grass. It's a gray doe ![](https://i.ibb.co/jbMztrg/Untitled283-20241127214400.png) What do you do? A. Wait for a different goat B. Offer her an apple-scented treat C. Offer second-cut hay D. Reach out and pet her E. Stay still F. Leave this area of the meadow Edited at November 27, 2024 09:12 PM by Acornclan
StarDarc The goat watches you with curiousity as you get out your hay. You stick out your hand, holding the hay tight enough so that it won't fall the second she takes some, but loose enough so she can pull some out easily. She sniffs at it, then after a few moments sticks her head forward and grabs some of the hay. She chews it, then looks at you, seeming uncertain. A. Reach out and try to pet her B. Put the hay away C. Put the hay away and get out apple-scented treat D. Grab leash and collar and try to put it on her E. Wait
StarDarc You put your hay away and grab one of your apple-scented treats. The doe looks much more interested now, swallowing the last strands of hay. Her tail flicks and she steps closer to you, sniffing at your face. What do you do now? A. Give her the treat B. Pet her C. Get out leash and collar D. Give her the treat and pet her E. Give her the treat, while she eats it get out leash and collar F. Leave her
StarDarc You bring your hand to her mouth, and she flicks her tail happily. As you start to pet her, she eats the treat, savoring the flavor. Her eyes close contentedly as you pet her, and she relaxes. Her pelt is clean and soft under your hand. She finishes chewing, but remains where she is, enjoying the attention now. A. Keep petting her B. Get out leash and collar C. Walk away
StarDarc You continue to pet her with one hand and grab one of your leashes and collars. Her eyes shift and watch you closely, still enjoying the petting though. She bleats as you clip the leash onto the collar. After making sure everything is secure, what do you do? A. Put on her B. Drop and just pet her C. Get up and run around, trying to catch a different goat in the herd (😭 🤦♀️ 🤣) sorry I just had to put the emojis