
Yo, this open? Surprise Palette Theme: Fall, like leaves an stuffs other: Ya want 2 apples and 900 mush or just 2,700 mush? Oh I also have a green fern that (at time I checked it) says cheapest must is 900 and cheapest is 1, dont know your value of 'em though, I also have that if you want it. Also I dont know if this is intentional but I do have ". 0 10 Spring Theme" palette on and where you choose the gear and decor on a custom wolf is completely black. And my winter palette has the gap of air, the one that you have to scroll down to see the top of your den page, might just be my computer messing it up. Edited at November 3, 2024 11:16 AM by Acornclan

Surprise Palette Colors: Dark blue/ grey Theme: night sky/stars cursor: Paw print or mushroom other: i can do apple payment Edited at November 6, 2024 06:31 PM by Willow Tribe

Accepted for both ill work on it tomorrow
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Could I get the starrynight palette please? I would like to pay in mush instead of an apple if that's okay ^^ Also, I've never had premium before so I might have a few questions about the palette if you don't mind lol

Surprise pallet Colours: dark colours. Dark reds, greys, blacks, blues Theme: moody full moon sky, blood moon? Cursor: pawprint Other: apple payment, I've never had a custom pallet before so this will be exciting!

Accepted, I'll work on it
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Custom palette Colors: Pinks, preferebly pastels or light pinks, maybe white . Theme: Roses, something sort of giving off "ancient love" vibes? . Background: Light pink roses if possible, but not just roses, maybe something like a painting . Font: Courier New . cursor: Original . gradient: never . transparency: Slight opacity, everywhere . Other: Du bist ein kleiner milch junge, danke Edited at January 27, 2025 10:26 AM by BJake
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Theme: bunnys other: drawing or picture is fine! Preferably a cool toned color for the space around them but not a big deal Payment in mush surprise palette Edited at January 23, 2025 08:34 PM by Graywing
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custom palette Colors: cool wintery colors so colors that give a winter vibe Theme: winter Background: snowflakes or snowy moutains or somethung Font: Snell Roundhand, cursive cursor: snowflake gradient: i dont know what to put here transparency: half way transperent so 50% i beleive Other: im paying in mush if thats ok, and can the header be a snowflake instead of the wolves Edited at January 24, 2025 12:38 PM by Mythology