
lmao it's true my inner dad very much lives on pst we don't have to talk about it you can have enough brains for the both of us

Dark Matter said: Your entire project should be about dads next time-
y e s :0 lmao

XD I am not even gonna try to catch up on everything spoken here, but I did read the most recent conversation, and I very much approve, lol. xD Probably because I actually am a wolf. x'D

your post is the first in pretty much a month aha

I see that, aha. Honestly, I didn't know that it could be possible for that to happen; I thought that there would've been, like, 2300+ pages, too. I suppose life hit everyone pretty hard recently??

lmao yep, the school year is kicking our butts, I think. But it's good to see you back!

I totally, completely, 100% understand that, aha ^^" It's great to see you guys, too!! <3

I just logged on and for some reason I only have 2 paws up? I swear I had around 100 the other day so I'm kinda confused aha
maybe this is a bug or something seems to be the same for some others I think

I think there was another paw reset

ahh, okay. That's interesting aha