
Currently rejudging, I cannot choose a wolf that had its rarity boosted by dyes I dont have in my posession. Edited at November 30, 2023 03:14 PM by Moonshed

Edited at October 8, 2024 11:53 PM by EkaterinaGoldstone

Hey moon so just ignore the first custom I made. I accidentally deleted it from my saved customs so you can view it any more and I'm really upset cause I really liked that one too.

55 apples and 135 rarity. No crystalline dyes, and Ulfr dyed :)

Cypress Road said: Hey moon so just ignore the first custom I made. I accidentally deleted it from my saved customs so you can view it any more and I'm really upset cause I really liked that one too.
i noticed that! i was confused and then realized what had probably happned and i was so sad because i had picked that one to be in the finals!

Okay hello everyone!! Scratch literally everything that has been said! this had become overly difficult for NO REASON and its driving me nuts. Im online right now, ill be opening every single link, weeding out the ones that used crystalline, the ones I dont think will match my criteria, and the ones i dont think will fit well or give good variety with my custom stud. So! With that being said this contest is now closed! Judging will begin now. Please do not make any more posts. I will be making posts for myself to help organize better and then the winner will be named.

After the post that says "the winner is" i will make another post that asks you to pm me for your free breeding if you participated in the contest and did not win.

Until you see the LAST post, DO NOT make any posts, do not submit any more designs, and do not pm me about the breedings. Judging will begin now.

Edited at November 30, 2023 06:17 PM by Moonshed

Entry 2- TheCuteHuskyPack Edited at November 30, 2023 06:20 PM by Moonshed