
Game Moderator Darkseeker
.Poem by Zodiac #132372. E’vry wolf and wanderer gather, as land and forest slumber. To celebrate Yuletide’s ember in the glimmers of December. Choirs howl, Little pups yowl! As a Saint passes overhead, with a bellow and a smile. The fellow strides among the crowd. Merry spreading all around. It is a special time of year, over hills, swamp and range. Finally! It is here: Wolfplay’s Annual Gift Exchange!  banner (c) qyusen 266578 || want a colored version with your own OC? Been awhile since we had one o' these, eh? Edited at November 9, 2023 08:53 PM by Vennenum

Game Moderator Darkseeker
What is the Gift Exchange, you ask? The Gift Exchange (aka WPSS, GE, Secret Santa, or colloquially, the SS) is a fun little thing I do every December. Each participant is anonymously assigned someone to send a gift to. It makes for a nice little surprise, which makes everyone happy! Please read everything below because it contains all the information you need. TL;DR - you sign up, i send you a person to gift to, you send things to the person named, capisce? Still highly recommend you read everything below though. TIERS Tiers account for income inbalances between newer and experienced players. The higher your tier, the more expensive gifts you can expect to send and receive. If you feel you cannot afford a gift of a certain value, or you just want to join in the fun, you're more than welcome to join a tier with a lower requirement. HOWEVER. You may only join one Tier. If you need to change Tiers, do so before registration ends. This year's base value will be 150 mushrooms at Tier I. All gifts should be worth at least that much. I will add more tiers if needed or requested. Each tier has a minimum gift requirement, however, there is no limit on how large of a gift you can send. Tier: | Gift Requirements | I | 100+ mushroom value (recommended for new or returning players) | II | 500+ mushroom value | III | 1000+ mushroom value | IV | 2500+ mushroom value | Edited at November 7, 2023 09:09 PM by Vennenum

Game Moderator Darkseeker
How do I participate? Please review the requirements below. Failure to abide will result in withdrawal of your registration. . ***IMPORTANT*** Make sure you are able to stay active between now and January. Users inactive the 10 days before application deadline will be removed from the roster. Please notify me beforehand if your activity will fluctuate but you would still like participate. . ○ If you fail to meet gifting requirements, you may be blacklisted from future exchanges. - REMINDER: You must be active for at least two weeks and have at least two wolves before you can send or receive any items.
○ Be polite. This is a gift exchange, not a seller's market. - Let me know if you're willing to prepare extra gifts in case someone doesn't get theirs. I will be mark you down as a volunteer. If toward the end of December I’ve run out of spare gifts, I will reach out to see to see if you’re still okay to help.
○ Sign up using the Google Forms link here: https://forms.gle/UHmq1kziZT9jytF67 - If you cannot access Google Docs, I can input the information for you. PM me with Subject Line “WP SS Sign-Up Form” and attach your Name, ID, desired Tier and whether you'd like to Volunteer gift for particular tiers. Do not post your application on the forum. I do enough data search and entry at work.
○ Once you've received or sent your gift (sometime after December 1st), submit a confirmation screenshot in this form here: https://forms.gle/wY5py4qRtjYGHZ1j6. If you don't know how to screenshot, Google: how to screenshot on Windows, Apple, iOS, Android, etc. - If you would like to make your own Secret Santa or Gift Exchange, I don't mind, so long as you change it up so it's not the same.
○ **Do not send anything to me. Do not send your prepared gift to me because it will not reach your giftee.

Game Moderator Darkseeker
What Can I Gift? Mush - Anything that meets the base of your tier. Apples - sent through Apple Trades under Pack > Account. For convenience sake, conversion rate: 1 apple = 1,000 mush. Relics - make sure what you send is useful. Feathers, Potions, Toys, Breeding Items, or multiple relics to meet your tier's minimum is fine. The mush count is determined by current Barter price (within reason). Gear, Decor - Something limited edition is incredibly valuable as well. As with the relics, mush count is determined by current Barter Price. Dyes - Dyes priced at what they sell for in the event shop. 5 apples for a normal base dye, 20 apples for those legendary dyes, etc. ***While allowed, wolves, breedings, and art (including palettes) will be priced at 0 mushrooms as their value and price are subjective. . When will I receive my assigned user? And when should I send my gift? You will be messaged your assigned user sometime between December 3-5. You have until December 31, 2023 to send your gifts. What you do after you receive your invitation is up to you so long as you have your gift sent by the end of December. Some folks prefer to send gifts the day of Christmas, others prefer to send their gifts early (...others seem to forget - please don’t do this). The choice is yours. Please remember: those who do not send anything or do not follow the guidelines will not be allowed to participate in future Gift Exchanges. . What if I don't receive my gift after the deadline? I will try to get a gift to you or have a volunteer give a gift to you. But you have to tell me. I can’t read minds. **If you have any ideas for future Gift Exchange events, please let me know!

Game Moderator Darkseeker
IMPORTANT DATES: Sign-ups: Open from November 8–December 2, 2023 . Invitations: Sent out Dec 2–3, 2023 . Deadline to Send Gifts: January 6, 2024 . LINK TO ROSTER: Check periodically! I’ll post an update every time the list is added to: [Roster] Edited at November 7, 2023 11:42 PM by Vennenum

Game Moderator Darkseeker
Sign ups are now open! Just a reminder for the few who've already registered: Art is listed as zero (0) value. If you only send art, you're not meeting tier requirements. Edited at November 7, 2023 11:05 PM by Vennenum

Game Moderator Darkseeker
Registration ends this week! Get yourselves signed up of you haven't already! 😁

Game Moderator Darkseeker
I'll keep registration open until the end of the day today. Messages with your giftees will be going out tomorrow.

Game Moderator Darkseeker
For Tier 1: There is a typo in the message link, but the link just takes you back to this page. Edited at December 4, 2023 12:20 AM by Vennenum

Game Moderator Darkseeker
All invites sent. If you did not receive your invite, please message me ASAP!