
yEs Red Queen is right, TV does portray stuff horribly too. I have CF, and the way 5 feet Apart shows it just makes me want to die inside- then again that one also has love at first sight too right? - ~Shadow Hunters~ said: Mind readers. Mind readers who seem to magically know exactly what your character is thinking. If I have a bit of a rude character thinking mean thoughts, they instantly get defensive or act as if my character directly told them that. No, he was thinking, you're not a mind reader! Or my slightly upset one and someone magically comes over and knows exactly why they are uspet without having even met them?
bEcAuse ThEy'VE SeeN PeOpLe VaGUeLY LiKe THeM BeFOre!!1!1

Red Queen said: Eternity said: OKAY I have one big thing Characters that are reduced to their crush on X character.
The whole plotline becomes based around it and then no No It's almost as if you have no other option to be in a relationship with this character when that was absolutely not what you wanted to happen.
Don't even get me started on characters who mention X many disorders in every single roleplay post and then don't even portray them accurately, oh and when they magically disappear in certain situations lmao-
Or characters who seem to have everything based on their tragic backstory Like BOI growth is a thing-
As someone who suffers from x amount of mental disorders (lol) I do feel like there is a lot of inaccuracy in portrayals. It bothers me more when I see it in novels or TV shows. Like the TV show Monk, which reduces OCD to a gimmick.
Y e s

tv makes people with ASPD seem like actual mad people

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Red Queen said: Eternity said: OKAY I have one big thing Characters that are reduced to their crush on X character.
The whole plotline becomes based around it and then no No It's almost as if you have no other option to be in a relationship with this character when that was absolutely not what you wanted to happen.
Don't even get me started on characters who mention X many disorders in every single roleplay post and then don't even portray them accurately, oh and when they magically disappear in certain situations lmao-
Or characters who seem to have everything based on their tragic backstory Like BOI growth is a thing-
As someone who suffers from x amount of mental disorders (lol) I do feel like there is a lot of inaccuracy in portrayals. It bothers me more when I see it in novels or TV shows. Like the TV show Monk, which reduces OCD to a gimmick.
Ohhh yeah- OCD seems to be one of the worst from what I've seen. Something that has a heck tonne of complexities just reduced to 'Oh I like my pencils in colour order' is a big NOPE from me-
@Sleepless nights Slow burn takes the cake every. Damn. Time. Beautiful No rush-

Eternity said: Red Queen said: Eternity said: OKAY I have one big thing Characters that are reduced to their crush on X character.
The whole plotline becomes based around it and then no No It's almost as if you have no other option to be in a relationship with this character when that was absolutely not what you wanted to happen.
Don't even get me started on characters who mention X many disorders in every single roleplay post and then don't even portray them accurately, oh and when they magically disappear in certain situations lmao-
Or characters who seem to have everything based on their tragic backstory Like BOI growth is a thing-
As someone who suffers from x amount of mental disorders (lol) I do feel like there is a lot of inaccuracy in portrayals. It bothers me more when I see it in novels or TV shows. Like the TV show Monk, which reduces OCD to a gimmick.
Ohhh yeah- OCD seems to be one of the worst from what I've seen. Something that has a heck tonne of complexities just reduced to 'Oh I like my pencils in colour order' is a big NOPE from me-
@Sleepless nights Slow burn takes the cake every. Damn. Time. Beautiful No rush-
C o m p l e t e a g r e e

I ran out of things that I remember for now, so I'm just agreeing with those that bother me as well .-.

My friends dad has OCD and I mean, I don't rp humans often, but from what I've seen, its irritating to turn "I sanitize everything and have my own daughter wash herself before coming in" to "I like it when my room is neat"

Eternity said: Red Queen said: Eternity said:
Ohhh yeah- OCD seems to be one of the worst from what I've seen. Something that has a heck tonne of complexities just reduced to 'Oh I like my pencils in colour order' is a big NOPE from me-
PTSD also gets it really badly in TV shows. Like when a character develops PTSD for one episode and then cures it by the end of 20 minutes lol. Complex Trauma PTSD is barely even acknowledged.

~Shadow Hunters~ said: My friends dad has OCD and I mean, I don't rp humans often, but from what I've seen, its irritating to turn "I sanitize everything and have my own daughter wash herself before coming in" to "I like it when my room is neat"
And OCD isn't just compulsion, it's also obsession, which has a multitude of different sub-types.

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Red Queen said: PTSD also gets it really badly in TV shows. Like when a character develops PTSD for one episode and then cures it by the end of 20 minutes lol. Complex Trauma PTSD is barely even acknowledged.
100% There's like one episode that focuses around the character's flashbacks or triggers and then after that is magically disappears and is never mentioned again! Just WHy