
i always struggle with flaws because i try to find ones that would be perfect for the character but i always draw a blank :') "sad, depresso uwu" is really overused-

Red Queen said: Bear Claw said: characters who put themselves in obviously dangerous situations because they can,, like no it's not drama you're just making your character look like an idiot
My favorite is when a character jumps in the road to save another character from an incoming car and gets hit... like boi if you could push someone out of the way you could jump out of the way.
E x a c t l y

i was in a RP where someone ran out to save another character and got STRUCK BY LIGHTNING

Bear Claw said: i always struggle with flaws because i try to find ones that would be perfect for the character but i always draw a blank :') "sad, depresso uwu" is really overused-
I just try and come up with weird stuff that I either do or that I know other people who do) like annoying habits (nail biting, leg jiggling, hairl twirling) anger issues argumentative as fuck collects weird dolls talks to plants more than people unpredictable will hoard the ramen so others can't have it etc etc I love flaws I have trouble coming up with good qualities so I often leave it blank of rp sheet cx Edited at June 18, 2020 11:01 AM by Red Queen

Valkyrie. said: i was in a RP where someone ran out to save another character and got STRUCK BY LIGHTNING
good lord cx

and it was the creator's character so i was silenced

Valkyrie. said: and it was the creator's character so i was silenced
It's always fun when the creator derails their own plot like that lmao

Valkyrie. said: i was in a RP where someone ran out to save another character and got STRUCK BY LIGHTNING
Good lord

mm, we all love when the creators themselves can't even RP,, I had a RP where someone was constantly white-knighting my female character because they wanted them to have romance, even after i said no, because she's aromantic. i guess they thought by being obnoxious I would swoon over them

everything was about their character she kept storming off into the forest and hiding