
Yore nodded and quickly forked over your portion. "Yea! Adira left it here with me, here you go!" -You've earned 20 pinecones!- "Find anything interesting while you were out there alone?"

"Yeah I found a lot of stuff," Moth dug around in her pack for a moment before taking out some of the items and showing them to yore.

Yore nodded as he looked over your inventory. "Yew will definitely want that journal and maybe the bandit's diary and pinecone necklace. I'll take the bear Pelt blanket off your hands for 10 pinecones if you don't want it, but that can be really useful. Same with the Icepick, rope, art supplies and flashlight." He looked a little closer. "Scout will buy the crystal, or she can use it to make a collar for a pet. That Enchanted Apple looks like it's going a bit stale. I would eat it soon or give it to a pet for it's effects." He smiled as he finished up. "Torka will take the Lavender off your paws, and the frozen fish and meat you can use as bait." He then made eye contact with you and blinked in shock. "Woah! You look rough. You should head over to the Healers Hut first before you get someone sick." He said, covering his nose with his paw with fear in his eyes.

" I think I'm going to head to the healers hut before I sell anything," Moths said. " bye."

Yore nodded in understanding, waving to you. "Take your time, hun!"

The sight of the questboard felt strange after however long he'd spent in the forest. Still, Evan headed inside without much reservation. "Got a couple of cheetahs from the Savannah. They're a bit on the thin side though"

Yip leapt over the counter as soon as she heard your voice, coming to trot around the Iron Cage, looking inside happily. "Wow! You bagged two of em? That's amazing!" She said, offering you a pouch of pinecones that has double the original payment. -You've earned 100 pinecones!- "Find anything else interesting out there?" She asked as she put a blanket over the two cats to keep them calm.

Evan's ear flattened at the memory of the brothers. He pulled out the journals. "I supposed these things. For Yew"

Yip perked her ears and grabbed the photo from you, blinking in suprise. "Oh wow... Java and Joov. This was one we kinda knew the ending to unfortunately." She tapped the counter to call her brothers out as she explained. "They went out to explore what they could cook in the forest, and never came back. After a while Briar and Kinder went out on a quest, and Briar came back mumbling and crazed about getting some kind of revenge. That one or both of them has survived and that he was out to get them." She sighed, and Yew took the books from you as she finished. "None of them ever came back, so we assumed what happened." Yew had flipped through a couple pages and looked at you with a knowing trauma in his gaze. "I think it's a little deeper than we thought, sis..." He said, and happily offered you pinecones for the books you had, as well as some extra for the photo and Golden Spatula that belonged to them. -You've earned 150 pinecones-

"Well, she did what she set out to do" Evan said, noncommittally. His ear brushed against his skull before he added, "They're all out there. Together, at least." He changed the subject. "You still looking for timber?" He could use a change of pace.