
Yew's head popped up over the counter and he jumped up onto the table to interact with Ocean. "Oh wonderful! I was getting hungry!" He happily took the Sea Bass and put a pouch of pinecones in it's place. -You've earned 15 pinecones- His eyes then turned to the glowing specimen, and his ears flattened. "People have been catching more and more of these... I think its the fungus making its way into the ocean life. Rayne in the Healer's Tent may pay you for it so he can study it for a cure." Finally, his nose twitched and he looked down at the Lobster. "And Torka will DEFINITELY pay you for that. She loves Lobster, and most who eat at the inn do too."

Hello Moth told the triplets. She turned to Yip, " Can I take the Wriggling light quest? " A glow worm should be easy for Moth first quest. Edited at July 10, 2023 04:55 PM by Dawnforest

Yip nodded and crossed the quest off her list. "No problem! You'll need some nets from the Crafting Tent. They migrate, and no one is really sure why or where but they're somewhere in the Rotten Forest. If you see some squirmy light, set a net and keep til you find more. I suppose you could try to catch them with your teeth or paws but I can't promise it would work, I've never interacted with them." -You've Taken the Quest Wriggling Light- Edited at July 10, 2023 04:54 PM by Sunset Ghosts

"Thank you." She told Yip then walked away to the Crafting tent.

Opal - "Hello? Yip? I'm back, and I've caught the Death Horse!" The feline called out into the Triplets Quest Board.

Yips head popped up over the counter, her ears perked excitedly. "Wonderful! Come come, I have your payment right here!" -You've earned 35 pinecones- The small cat then quickly runs to the Iron Cage in town center, looking the horse up and down. "What a beautiful specimen... I didn't know they were purple." The feline then slipped through the bars and expertly jumped on the horses back and slipped a blinding cap over its face, quickly stepping out of the cage again. The horse freaked out for a moment, before laying down in the cage. "Thank you so much, I think he'll help out around town a lot." She then looked at the larger felines paw. "You should have River check that out before you take any more quests though. Just to be safe."

Opal - She nodded, "Thanks for the tip, I'll go now.".

Tragedy- Dragon - Tragedy enters the Quest Board curiously, peering at the three characters in front of him. He flicks his tail, then comes closer, trying not to bump into anything. - "Got anything easy for starters?" He questions. Trying this new way of life, he hopes to avoid having to use any brute strength.

Yip and Yore immediately dropped a bit and retired back into the tent. Yew however, grinned and placed his quest sheet down in front of the dragon. "Yep! Townsfolk are always asking for help and everyone always loves fish! I've even seen new explores find weapons and armor on fishing quests!"

When Moth arrived back at the town she went straight to the quest board. She had completed her first quest! (And got a cute little frog) "Hello," She said as she entered. " I've completed my quest. "