Question I just had a Amber (Legendary) coat pup born. 75R How much are Amber pelts worth? I only found one for sale in trading post. Thanks!
Hi everyone!! I currently have a g2 mela male and whenever I get a new alpha to take his spot pm me and Ill give free breedings!
Ares for stud Melenism Akita Base Coat (Even though you can't see it LOL) +73 Hero Good Bloodlines
Question! So just had my first GB born in my pack. She is 3G CL 27R AC 2T HW female. Haven't decided if I am going to sell her yet but I don't even know what GBs are selling for lately. Any help would be much appreciated!
~Breeding Females~ I have this G8 40R AC Girl for sale at 175 can go lower Just pm me! ~~~~~ I also have 45R AC 41T +7V G3 that i need a stud for. I am looking for: 45+R AC, Low gen, and avoid Amadeus reborn and cernunnos ~~~~ please pm me! Thank you!
I have a G2 Stud 48R AC 101T HW Hero DH ExH He has produced lots of boosts and defects including 2 Chimeras. TheWanderers said: ~Breeding Females~ I have this G8 40R AC Girl for sale at 175 can go lower Just pm me! ~~~~~ I also have 45R AC 41T +7V G3 that i need a stud for. I am looking for: 45+R AC, Low gen, and avoid Amadeus reborn and cernunnos ~~~~ please pm me! Thank you!
G5 CL EXH Chimera 1 82R Crystalline!! Has a Black Phase Dad!!! https://wolfplaygame.com/wolf.php?id=3449327 Pm me to lower!!
Curious, what would a +44 Vital Hero wolf be worth?
Hey all I just bred this Amela and am tempted to switch her gender. It might be a week because I just got my wisdom teeth out. Thoughts on if I should keep it a her or switch it?
Free pup with chimera lines I have a pup with chimera lines. You can have him for free if you pm me before 3pm game time. https://wolfplaygame.com/wolf.php?id=3463588