Granted, but now you can't eat human food, only fish food. -- I wish that my mentality was excellent (if going by the scale of Montak - I feel like the mentality of most people would be from very good to poor).
Granted, but all your other attributes are poor. I wish I would have inspiration to work on a project
Granted, but the project turns out to be horrible. I wish I could stop time temporarily...
Granted. When you stop time, you stop with it... ~ I wish I could find the courage to find a different job. Edited at May 9, 2023 11:35 PM by Danse Macabre
Granted, but your new job earns you $3.50 an hour. - I wish for a pair of socks. Preferably Yellow. Edited at May 10, 2023 02:07 AM by Hoalvinous
Granted, but the socks are yellow because my dog had an accident on them 😅
I wish I wasn't bullied so much 😅
Granted and no strings attached. Such a simple and positive dream shan't be impeded. ~ I wish I never felt drowsy or tired. I would sleep solely because I want to.
Granted, but the times you want to fall asleep are now in the middle of an important meeting. - I wish I had a can of BEANZ
Granted but you can't eat them. - I wish that everyone was able to be happy