6/10- huh -- A bee's wings beat 190 times a second. That equals 11400 beats a minute.
8/10 Nice fact, sounds like how our heartbeats 80 times per second. Well, should I think. Not to smart on the beating times. --
8/10 did not know that --- Did you know that a woman named Mrs. Janke owned a dog who assisted her in her daily routines. You see, Mrs. Janke was hard of hearing. This dog died and his owner wanted another one, so she asked a trainer to train another dog to be her "ears". 6 dogs were trained and the woman got her pick. The other dogs went to other deaf/hh (heard of hearing) people and thus Hearing Dogs were born. This all happened in the 1970s.
7/10 i did not know that :0 - Chickens are omnivores. Also cannibals.
2/10 wish I did not know the last part Pufferfish poisoning can be compared to the supposed Zombie in witch the possined is still aware but seemingly dead (sortened forem from a book of dangerous sea creatures I have )
Edited at February 22, 2022 11:40 PM by Moonlights Stars
What is this supposed to be? Where's the did you know question??? Serpents said: 2/10 wish I did not know the last part Pufferfish poisoning can be compared to the supposed Zombie in witch the possined is still aware but seemingly dead (sortened forem from a book of dangerous sea creatures I have )
Cinderclaws said: What is this supposed to be? Where's the did you know question??? Serpents said: 2/10 wish I did not know the last part Pufferfish poisoning can be compared to the supposed Zombie in witch the possined is still aware but seemingly dead (sortened forem from a book of dangerous sea creatures I have )
thats my did you know sorry I'm tired oay
(Oh okay) No I did not know 1.5/10 ~~~ Did you know the first animal to be cloned was named dolly the sheep? Edited at February 23, 2022 12:40 AM by Cinderclaws
10/10yes did you know yarrow a plant can be used to stop shallow wounds and nose bleeds (the leafs )