
- What keeps me here is mostly the people! There are spurts where I have insane explore activity, those can last for a good while before ultimately getting burned out and somewhat leaving for random periods of time (previously, have had all wolves pass away, happened multiple times). I love the wolves, and Exploring and all that, but sometimes I tire myself out. So, it's the people I talk to and RP with that truly keep me around. Anytime I don't have active conversation and RP partners? Don't expect to see me around for anywhere between one week to half a year. People have always grounded me, in a sense, so it's not too surprising they're the reason I stick around like that.
2. I honestly don't play other similiar games currently, and have not for a long time. Used to be in several animal sim communities, one focused towards dogs, which happened to be my first impactful experience with this sort of game; and another focused on horses and realistic genetics, which turned out to be way too technical for my taste. I haven't really branched out, any time I do, well, I cannot maintain much interest in them for more than maybe an hour or a day or so.
3. I believe it is the general vibe of this community that really makes it different than other similiar animal RP games, for me at least. Like, I can't really place my finger on it, but this community typically is a good combination of mature and relaxed. Most people I've seen around are old enough to be able to... well, be mature to some degree, it's not like hanging around with a bunch of little children (nothing wrong with that! I just tend to like more...hm, calmer groups, if that makes sense). But also, it's not like this place is overly formal and professional, there is a relaxed vibe to interactions and stuff. That and most everyone is just very friendly, sure you get the occasional drama, typically newer players, but for the most part, people are nice.
Also the artwork on here, both in the art galleries and shops and stuff, and the more offical game art with wolves and objects and things. It's so pretty, and I feel it's pretty unique. And the mechanics aren't boring at all, there's something that makes them really fun.