
hello ! here, you can ask any question you desire to / about my pack mascot, distant .. . here's a link to his toyhouse if you'd like any more info! the wolf will answer any questions for a piece of your soul. Edited at August 24, 2024 05:14 PM by distant-lands
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now that i know that beetle is a shapeshifter and a former sorceress, i have to ask, Is she somehow related to Professor McGonagall from Harry Potter ? (sorry for asking i know it`s a dumb question XD)

Stream said: now that i know that beetle is a shapeshifter and a former sorceress, i have to ask, Is she somehow related to Professor McGonagall from Harry Potter ? (sorry for asking i know it`s a dumb question XD) ; B E E T L E ; the sleek-furred cat before your eyes would scoff and roll her golden hues in a sarcastic manner. "of course not, you buffoon. i am an immortal being living thousands of years, containing wisdom beyond your mortal understanding." these words felt odd, coming from a creature which showed itself as a little blue kitty-cat.
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Camatose are you psychic? Edited at November 15, 2023 08:02 PM by Dawnforest

Dawnforest said: Camatose are you psychic?
i never saw this ^^' my bad! ; C o m a t o s e ; a slow tilt of the monochromatic dame's head would signify confusion. a pair of milky white optics flickered towards your presence, seemingly staring into you... "a psychic? ah... probably not. i just see things in a different light, is all. what my eyes cannot see, my brain unveils to me. i know more and i know less than anyone, i suppose." the wolf would speak in a monotone voice, tail curling around her paws.
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Beetle, what is the origin of your name? Did you pick it for yourself?
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Salem said: Beetle, what is the origin of your name? Did you pick it for yourself?
; B E E T L E ; the sleek form of said blue cat would curl into a seated form, long dark tail curled over her teeny paws. as your question arose, her interest would be piqued. a fond smile settled on the dame's features as she took a breath. " a story from long ago, hm? my name was chosen by my mother.. or, well.. the woman who raised me. she found me abandoned and sickly when i was only a few days old. she named me for my shiny fur, she said it reminded her of a beetle's shell shining in the dim-lit reflections of the moon.." beetle finished off her tale with a small nod, expression returning blank.
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At Beetle. What's your life story?

HighinChat said: At Beetle. What's your life story? ; B E E T L E ; a cat brow would raise at such an astonishing inquiry. "the story of my life? you must be quite bored." she'd muse, settling down into a more comfortable position for this tale. "i was born about.. five centuries ago to a powerful sorceress. she was slain only days after my birth by the god of our realm for she had grown too sick with power. i was left abandoned for my mother to find me, and surely i would've died if not for her." beetle fondly grinned. "my mother helped me to recognize my magic. she showed me that i can take many forms, that my power is beyond comprehension. she is the reason i am strong today.. yet she died 470 years ago. after her death i felt rather lost.. i spent some time working as a familiar for a witch before i cut the agreement short when she wouldn't stop petting me." beetle paused to chuckle a bit, clearing her throat. . "agh.. five centuries is a lot to recap. after my familiar stunt i was an overlord in my realm for some time, quite recognized for i reigned over many districts and efficiently dispatched of my enemies... i fell victim of the same fate as my mother however; i grew too lustful for power. my wings were clipped and i was forced to make.. deals to keep myself afloat. ever since then i've been.. here. just trying to figure it all out." she sighed deeply, tail flickering in irritation.
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this forum has been minorly repurposed !! the only OC now available for inquiries is my main, distant.
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