
well arent you the smart one, eh? Alanna thought " I would appreciate that very much." she said finally standing up and eyed Miko " I hope he wasnt a problem, though" She grabbed her car key and then walked to the car when Jake was in his arms " You can just put him in the passenger seat next to me. " SHe made sure there was a warm blanket for Jake to lay on " Anything else I need to know before I go?" she asked looking at him. Edited at September 15, 2021 07:14 PM by LunarOrbitPack

Miko placed Jake in the front seat "yeah when do you want me to come over tommorow" he smirked. He hated being out in the sun for long his skin started to feel as if it's burning in a couple places. He rubbed jakes head to distract himself from his almost burning skin.

Burning pale skin? Sensitive to sunlight? She thought as she tilted her head at his question. " Oh sorry... um.. does noonish sound ok? Im not working and have three days off. I dont want to bother you with your job though. " she then grabbed a pen and paper before giving him it " Thats my number if you need me. Call me if you cant make it. Ill be either at home with my parents and Jake or Alone with him. But just.. call me." She noticed the smirk but didnt think anythng of it. " But, anyways, thanks. See you later, I guess" she smiled a little before openeing her car door and got in. Finally able to get home, relax, and do more research about the mythical vampires.

"That sounds alright with me" he said and grabbed the paper before closing the door. He walked back inside and got some bandages and went to cover up the scar he had gotten on his cheek, chin, and a couple on his hands. "This is what you get for going out in the sun miko even tho she's a pretty human she seems scared of you she definitely knows now if she wasn't sure then" he said to himself finishing up his hands. He goes back to work for the rest of the day.

Alanna sighed as she watched him go back into the building, then focused back to her problem at hand. Jake. She gave a long sigh before looking at his sleeping form before driving back to the house. When they finally reached it, Alanna let Jake wake up slowly before getting him out of the car and led him inside. " Alright Jake, you heared him, no scratching the scars. I know you hate the cone, but its for the best" She scratched his ears before preparing some food for herself and her parents. Where are they this morning she thought. She found a note that said they were out shopping. " Of course they are" Alanna sighed. After getting a snack or two for Jake, she began to work on the cleaning she didnt finish. " Then I gotta go research She reminded herself. And see if the myth about these pale vampires are true. Edited at September 16, 2021 06:41 AM by LunarOrbitPack

Miko stretched and he pet zues behind him. "You know you don't have to stay late to do the paperwork stuff right" one of the helpers said. "I know but it gives me something to do" he lied knowing none of the workers know. He sighed softly as he got up "well ill be heading home now come on zues" he said loading zues up in the car. He looked at the number she had giving him and put it in his contacts and texted her "hey its mikola decided to text you so that you know this is my number" he messaged he put his phone down and drove home

Her phone was in her small handheld purse, so she didnt hear it buzz. " Come on Jake, mom and pops will be back in a few minutes. So I wouldnt be sitting on the couch. You know how they hate that. Jake looked at Alanna before getting off the couch and instead, layed on the floor. Whines escaping him. Not a momrnt too soon, her parents came throught the frong done and began to get the groceries intot he kitchen. " A.J. got your favorite food, and also got-" her mother said , stopping to look at Jake " Tell me they didnt put the cone on him..." she said impatiently " Yes mom... he did, he had stiches. The doc said to keep it on for now so Jake wouldnt scratch. He's doing pretty well. Arent you Jake?" Jake whined but wagged his tail all the same. Then Alanna forcused her attention to her parents " Hey, you guys go ahead and eat, I have somethng I have to do. " She rushed back to her room and searched anything about pale creatures. There has got to be something about them.

Miko got home and let jake out and went inside to the bathroom and took the bandages off. He sighed and grabbed his water bottle and another blood tablet. He took it and watched as the scars slowly started to heal. He went to the living room and sat down on the couch placing his phone on the coffee table and turned on the tv to watch it.

Alanna got all she needed to know about Mikos kind " I thought as much. They do exist" she said slamming her computer shut and grabbed her phone to check any messages. There was only one. From Miko. " Of course." she said with a smile. "hey Mikola, thanks for texting me. You think im scare of you? You can try but I know all about you and your kind. I just did some research." She tried to sound normal in her text but it really wasnt working Ill explain everything tomorrow, if you still want to come over" She sent the text and flopped onto her bed. Waiting for a reply. Or was she waiting for tomorrow to zip by. Edited at September 16, 2021 08:07 AM by LunarOrbitPack

Miko looked at his phone "you sure you know what I am you know im kinda dangerous when I start craving" he texted and stretched. He was curious on what she learned from the internet when they even barely know about his kind.