
Ghost Hesitates for a second "what are the different types of dragons?" After Ghost gets his responce he putsthe end of his tail on the orb and waits for something to happen "how does the orb work?"(thats cool i sadly dont have any music classes or art i like art as well, and somehow my brother got 2 art classes and we are in the same grade).

"We have a few rare types Im one of them but We Have Shapeshifter dragon, Fireice Dragons and last but not least the Earth dragons." Cortex Named these cooly. "We have others but there are som many to name." and the Orb it just tells me your type and your gender." Cortex Leans against the wall. "So, do you want to find your type or not?" Cortex askes. (That sucks big time bro. plus I got into chorus a while back ever since i started middle school. And I have so many questions. to ask you. outside of rp.)

(what do you want to ask me?) "yes i do" Ghost repies while he puts his tail on the orb and he waits anxously. "what type am I?" Ghost says(idc what you chose but preferably shapeshifter).(and sorry for the short responce im a little busy rn)

(Ay its all good) "Youre a shapeshifter." Cortex says slowly. She walks away form the orb and transforms onto her dragon form but falls and goes back to her human form. "Ughn.." (So whats your fav color?)

(my favorite color is blue what is yours?) "thats cool" Ghost relizes what happened and says" are you okay what happened? are you hurt? Ghost goes over to Cortex to look for injuries.

Cortex looks like she couldn't even move and she tries to push herself up but doesn't get up "After I use the orb I cant move.... i forgot about this...." Cortex explained. "Can you transform into a human and Help me up or something?" She tries to move again but fails "Ughn..." (I like black red and white. Whats your favorite song?)

(sorry for not replying! I was busy my teachers give me alot of homework and a little amount of time to finish it. :/) "ill try to" turns into a human and helps cortex up "what stops you from moving from the orb? does it require alot of energy? sorry for all the questions im just curious and i havn't talked or seen anyone in a while this is a new experience for me" (also my favorite song is dannger zone what is yours?)

"The orb takes up most of my energy. If i use to much Im prohibited to move and someone has to carry me for awhile until Im able to move." Cortex Explains. "And good work to Turn human. Most shapeshifter dragons have a hard time withn that." Cortex said giving you praise. (Aye, Its oki. Belive me I gets a lot of homework myself with being in highschool. And my favorite song is Bulletproof - Godsmack)

"Thanks, how long will this last?" Ghost says. Ghost helps cortex up and puts her arm over his shoulder "are we going anywhere?"(had a long day today think imma take a nap XD)

"just sit me up against the wall where we met." Cortex said and as they walked out she grunted in pain a few times. (XD sleep well!!)