
(I kinda thought you ghosted me lol) Ghost was finally an adult he spread his white and grey wings he had some sort of mutation that took away most of the coloration of his scales. he was fealing thirsty so he started to walk to the nearest stream. he didnt have the best memory but he thought he was going the right way he ended up finding a cave."Hello is anyone there?" when he go no response he went into the cave to explore he followed the caves winding tunnels a shiver fell down his spine he felt like he as being followed and he reached a room "a dead end" when he went to leave he sees something in the tunnel and he thought to himself "a dragon? must have followed me, am I intruding thier teritory?"

Someone approched him and spoke "hello, who are you?" She spoke in a soft voice and he saw red black and white dragon and she sttod where she was.

"my name is ghost what is yours?" (are you the red dragon or no?) ghost shifts uneasily on his claws he didnt like being somewhat cornered, he studies the walls of the cave. Was he intruding on this dragons cave? he thought to himself.

(My dragon is all 3 colors) "Ghost... My name is Cortex, Nice to meet you" Cortex Notices that Ghost is Nervous "Follow me." She said and her tail goes side to side as she looks back at you waiting for your desicion to follow or to stay.

"Okay..." Ghost hesitates for a second and then begins to follow Cortex. should he trust her? what if this is a trap, no why am i being so defencive? i dont think she would. Ghost studies Cortex he notices her 3 colors white, red and blue (is blue correct?).

(Its black.) Cortex leads Ghost To the entrance of the cave and Flies upward and waits for him to follow. "You coming?" She calls down from the sky.

(sorry for not being on in a while i was busy with ALOT of homework :/) "coming!" Ghost flies up to Cortex. "where are we going? or is it a suprise?". Ghost admires cortex's beautiful scales as he waits for an answer.

"were going to find your type ,or can you name it?" Cortex Said. Cortex leads you to a part of the carvern that has an orb and black, red,and white sparks surround her and she turns into a human and smiles at you and her dragon wings and dragon tail are still out and she mentions you to come closer. (Understandable I just started Highschool and I have a lot of work to do)

"what do you mean by type?" Ghost looks at you in shock as he watches you turn into a human "your a human? or a dragon?" Ghost hesitates before walking forward wondering if the same thing will happen to him. "what is that thing" he points over to the orb.(whats your favorite class in highschool? Mine is Math which is suprising because ive never liked math before i just seen it as boring but my highschool math teacher makes it fun she just has a positive aditude which most of my math teachers didnt always be very positive to thier students)

"Like me. Im a shapeshifter Dragon." Cortex replies to you and goes to the orb and places a hand on it. "Place the end of you tail on the orb please." Cortex says softly. "Also Im not a human. I can turn onto one though and decive the humans but I dont do that." Cortex waits for you to place the end of your tail on the orb. (I like science, math, And all the music classes. I freaking love music!!!)