I have been told to put this here. Since we were having trouble deciding how to keep the pillars involved, I came up with something.
Garvin, since there's no records of him, well, existing. He would be a hard bond to find to begin with. And while we had an idea, I also came up with this one. Garvin finds out that there's like, a reward to turn in the pillars, and as Garvin does... He decides why not. But, his way is much different than the other bonds since he doesn't want to share the reward, as Garvin is uh Garvin. So, he'd bring together the pillars under the guise of helping them stay out of the government's hand. Which they could possibly trust, especially since he has experience in staying on the low and running from authorities. Meanwhile, he also is trying to keep them from the other bonds since he wants the reward to himself and all. Which is a pretty funny situation, in my opinion.
Like, after finding out about the pillars, he realizes there might be a reward for finding them so he tries to do just that. Get them all into a group under the guise of helping them because, you know, Garvins spent his entire life basically on the run, surely he knows how to keep hidden. But hes actually just going to turn them in once he figures out how to do that without anyone else getting involved and without getting caught himself. All the while, hed be trying to keep the other bonds descendants off their trail so that he can be the one to turn them in and keeping his actual reasoning a secret from the pillars descendants.