

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Vas doesn't care for specifics he wants the dead person out of his office </3
He'll dispose of it himself when Java doesn't but there's definitely a lot of grumbling involved LOL
It doesn't help that Urchin eats literally anything LOL. Person? Plastic? Leftovers? Other dragon? Engine part? It doesn't matter, if she can get it in her mouth she'll eat it 😭 especially if it either runs away from her or moves quickly in front of her.

ET, We all know Java has batted at Urchin's face like a cat, either while Urchin is just sitting there, or doing something stupid. Not hard, just a few gentle whacks on the top of the head

why the heck are there dead bodies in the medical bay I was planning on getting a Yutaka out but I think it'd be less awkward if Flux, Dallas and Shai left for the trading post before Yutaka did else all of them are going to have to spend even more time on the ship than necessary He's probably just going to dawdle around on the ship for a bit (and getting oversaturated oil condensate all over Vas's carefully written list) before leaving Edited at February 12, 2025 11:44 PM by Boeing
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Should I post for Makovu or nah

Stray - awwwhhh that is adorable. -- Lonely I'd say go for it!
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Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Lackadaisy LMAOOO. No for sure, for sure. You have to bat Urchin's face uh,, very very carefully though for sure. Urchin is nearly always doing stupid shit. "URCHIN NO. NOT FOOD. NOT FOOD!!" Is probably an everyday occurrence. Omg,, omg look at them. How does Urchin still manage to look like :D !!! even with no eyeballs this is amazing LOL. Java looks so unimpressed. Boeing Not the first times there's been bodies in there </3 Vasilios is wondering when on earth it became his job to dispose of things </3

ET, I rediscovered while drawing that how much I love Urchin- Java's probably gotten spikes in her talons before :") eventually she'll just start pulling on Urchin's tongue lmao - Vah, Thanks ^^ Java's spikes are annoying XD

I hate to be the bearer of bad news. I have no time to write today </3 I've been killed by the busy-bee-ness of my day lmao I will be on basically all night tomorrow night though so I'll make up for it :P Stray - that piece is so cute! I really, like really, need to draw Tiamat. She's just so hard to get from my brain into existence.
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