
A little bit irrelevant but I can imagine that if they've ever visited planets as a crew before, someone has found Dallas cuddling with some random dude that no one has ever seen before and had to drag Dallas away, lecturing him about stranger danger - ET, Man's doodles are better than my finished artwork They're so goofy XD

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Vah Nothing will stop Vas's quest to divorce his wife. Bellinor refusing/burning the papers and he just "Okay Quill, we can now have take #4 at killing him."
I get the feeling Vas answers the 'Are they waterproof??' question a lot. Someone has deffo asked him "If your arms get wet do you need to put them in rice?"
Lackadaisy Vasilios is hands off </3 He's hoping at Dallas's age he's learned some sense and knows what he's doing LMAOOO
LMAO AWH, thank you--? I think-?

Mylo would grab him by the hair or back of the shirt and drag him so, might want to find someone else XD
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XDD Quill asked the rice question 10/10
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ET, He has no idea what he's doing. No clue. And you wonder why there is a sleepy Dallas in pajama pants and a blanket shuffling into your room asking for hugs at an ungodly hour. Yes, yes, it was a compliment ^^ sorry for the confusion

Dally? The Reaper said: Mylo would grab him by the hair or back of the shirt and drag him so, might want to find someone else XD

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Vah "I'm gonna put yer face in rice and see if yer eye grows back" would be the response he'd get 😭

PFFTTT XDD that is hilarious--
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Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Lackadaisy Vas would come back to check on him if he didn't show up for a while LMAO. Otherwise mans would be left to his own devices, maybe Dallas just likes his alone time with strangers-- He's not trying to interfere into a 25 year old's personal life LOL He does wonder how he's made it to 25 LMAO
I mean that's just Dallas being Dallas that's just part of the deal, Vas is used to being woken up for odd or small requests </3 Life with younger siblings will do that
Awe, thank you then! :0
Vah Vasilios makes eyeball references quite a bit I'm sure LMAO. "The only way to cure this is if we can find Quill's other eyeball." "That's as true as Quill having two eyes." "Let me know if ya find Quill's eye down there." "If only this crew had an even number of eyes."
When pigs fly? Nah. When Quill has two eyes? Absolutely

XDD Quill absolutely joins in. He will make those jokes as well. "Can I leave?" "Do I have two eyes?" "No?" "Exactly"
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