
XD Why doesn't that surprise me more?
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Stray Lmao that's so silly but also so fun
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Argh! I'll get a Flux up tomorrow! I'm passing out gradually over here. You keep running in training tomorrow and I'll throw up a glorious Flux post. I'll make sure it's a good one
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Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Guys I was gone three hours max omg </3 let me respond to everyone---
Boeing OH GOD. The hair one made me WIIIIINCE. I can definitely see Yutaka wandering into the office holding an engine part in one hand, head tipped over like "Uh help." as his hair is caught up in it 😭 He very much has 'Who needs oxygen when you have fuel vapours.' Vibes 😭
Urux Oh 100% </3 I wish he saw more of Flux too but he's definitely appreciative of how sensible Flux is LMAO. Hence why he's always lending a hand with the cooking and washing up LOL.
Violet It's so easy to get Urchin to chase you too, all you have to do is run around in front of her and she gets very excited. All fun and games until she actually forgets she's playing and tries to eat you </33 Vasilios has his 'anti-Urchin' whistle for that exact reason LOL.
Also Vas would 100% ask if that was a tactical faceplant, that's definitely something he would say.
He did have a med visit scoreboard, but I get the feeling Quill and Dallas made it a competition to see who could stay at the top 😭 He removed it to stop encouraging injuries </3 Now it's just 'Hours since last incident' on the door LOL.
Lackadaisy Vas wouldn't refuse him </3 he's grumpy and crotchety, but not heartless. Though he can't see how a hug with metal arms + sides is very comfortable. He doesn't quite see why anyone would want to hug him LOL.
LMAO OMG. Trust Dallas to break himself because he wanted to see a spider </3
And dear god, I think Vas would be quite concerned 😭 He's only really grumpy/mean when people have mild injuries, definitely sharpens up his act when it's severe,, Yeesh, that had to leave a nasty scar.
Vah LMAOOO I CAN SO SEE THAT. We show Quill one Pirates of the Caribbean movie and it's ALL OVER.
And,, yeah,, yeah that would do it, ouch ouch ouch. Getting cut up by your own weapon is just salt in the wound </33
Also I love that we all have different tidbits, it's great * ^*
Wildfires Alright! :DD
Urux [Omg again, hi!!] Oh please, please. That'd be great. Vas gets it as someone who also had a uh,, more violent life that he has very much retired from.
ALSO OMG. PLEASE. Vas busy organising various medicines and Flux is just standing there waiting for him to notice 😭 "Y--You fuck-- HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN STOOD THERE?? Fuckin hell, come 'ere-"

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Cough. Think that covers everyone LOL.
And uh,, I post very very slowly in fairness. It's been a loooong long time since I've actively RPed. You can actually hear my posts creaking and the rust falling off if you listen closely

XDD to be fair, I haven't posted in a few days. But that's alright, I have been busy with work--
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.....I suffer and sleep for two days and there's so much to read over T-T. It's great, but holy shit ^-^. ~ -First: The stickies!! Omg they’re so adorable!! Little Quill and Dallas are so cute! ^-^ - Alternate weapons: - Stray: the vision was seen, those look cool O-O -Amy: Yes!! Space Archer! - ET: lmao, Quill could use Vas’s detached arms like nunchucks -Boe: talking till people’s ears bleed is a skill he should have lol Third: ET, the list of stupid shit the crew has done is amazing lol. ~ Dumbest reason for ending up in the medical wing? -”I ate too many worms and now I think I’m going to be sick” “You ate worms???” -” I miscalculated the height from the floor and the vent and landed wrong. I think something cracked” -”I was wiggling through the vents and didn’t see the screw sticking out. Honestly thought it was stuck on my shirt not on me. It’s not too bad but it stings” Proceeds to show giant gash in his side. -”I haven’t slept in days and now I’m seeing things” or alternatively “I haven’t slept in days and now I’m hearing more than one voice…it's not right” -”I was trying to cook mac and cheese and I fell asleep” -”I accidentally ran into the wall and I think my nose is broken” -Shai full on manic grinning with a black eye, bruised jaw, and several broken fingers. “Honestly Vas what was I supposed to do? They were basically asking for me to go after them” Most severe reason for ending up in medical? Shai’s most severe reason would probably be due to the consequences of only eating sour worms, not sleeping for days to weeks straight and then proceeding to go and pick a fight with someone. ~ I’ll probably throw an RP post up either sometime after Urux posts or sometime tomorrow evening. Maybe tomorrow afternoon if I’m awake lol.

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Mirko I'M CACKLING AT ALL OF SHAI'S MISHAPS OH MY GOD. Also yeah picking a fight with someone whilst sleep deprived definitely sounds like something he'd do. Bonus points if he doesn't even go to Vas, Vas has to track him down as he's knocked out in an alley somewhere </3
Poor dude is a walking accident </3
We have some misc Vas 'n others doodles :D [c]157083

XDD the divorce papers-- THE WATERPROOF THOUGH XDD cackling
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