
Honestly I have no idea what to do with Mylo lmao Eternity said: Vah The way Vasilios would just sigh Just "Dude I've been trying to divorce this lady for 8 years, do you really think that's my only copy?"
Bless the poor crew member who finds Vasilios's drawer full of divorce paper copies LMAO
__ God I should probably get another post up-- I'll wait for Amy and Reaper for now though :0 my apologies if I'm holding Yutaka up </3
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Forum Moderator Darkseeker
OH. I mean a complete stranger has just been carried into the room and plonked on a table, something relating to that maybe? :0 I can give a summary of the last few posts in Mylo's vicinity, if that helps-?


I did it without Google Docs, everyone be proud of me -

That looks amazing. I love it!
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Forum Moderator Darkseeker
The Reaper said: Please lmao
SO! Your last post was on was on the top of page four, and it was Mylo complaining about Vasilios jabbing him in the ribs. Since then: Vasilios agreed and complained a little more about Dallas being a pain in the arse, saying they'd find him dead under a bed one of these days. He also told Mylo that three of his ribs were broken Annd handed him a topical anesthetic to help with any pain. He also told Mylo to try and avoid doing anything strenuous or lifting anything heavy. He also advised an xray so they could see how severe it was, but was interrupted by Shai carrying a poisoned Ava into the room. As Shai brought Ava in, Quill left the room because it was getting too crowded. Vasilios told Shai to put Ava on the other examination table, which he did and then disappeared off again shortly after. Ava then woke up and had a buuunch of questions to ask about where she was, who they were, where her dragon was. Vasilios has just answered those questions, and that's currently as far as we are in the medical wing. Everything else is happening,, away from them. So we're up to Vas's last post on page six right now :]

We're going on a little shopping trip xD ~ Urux, Stray, Mirko- I think we can correctly assume that Yutaka will be completely absorbed in technology when he gets there. If y'all are still there by the time Yutaka gets there do we mind if they bump into each other Yutaka just shoves a piece of paper with nontechnical stuff (maybe Vas's medicine cabinet stuff that he needs to get but Yutaka just is too absorbed in technology) their way and just walks off? lol
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Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Vas will have a very long list 😭

Boe Yes!! Have Yutaka run into us :) Shai will gladly take his list lol

Like literally just- "... oh hi guys. yeah..." incoherent mumbling as Yutaka stares at some thingamejig that's meant to be technical "... yeah so just get this stuff. For Vas." I can see Yutaka just shoving it in their direction and completely forgetting about it lmao
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