Forum Moderator Darkseeker
I also think a set number of breedings within your pack per game year would be good. I don't know what a good number for this would be - maybe 2 for basic and 4 for premium [excluding alphas]. Larger packs could buy interbreeding slot upgrades from the barter for apples.
I think it'd be a pretty good middle ground - and the numbers could be low to start with as most players don't have large packs - I think 3 internal breedings per year for a pack of 15 is just fine.
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I think the limit idea is good, but it might also be a good idea to do wolf transfers? Like so outside breedings for pick of the litter can be a little easier/secure? Maybe like apple transfers, where you can send it for a price and they can either accept or reject. Or is that a premium thing already?
Eternity said: I also think a set number of breedings within your pack per game year would be good. I don't know what a good number for this would be - maybe 2 for basic and 4 for premium [excluding alphas]. Larger packs could buy interbreeding slot upgrades from the barter for apples.
I think it'd be a pretty good middle ground - and the numbers could be low to start with as most players don't have large packs - I think 3 internal breedings per year for a pack of 15 is just fine.
Eternity said: I also think a set number of breedings within your pack per game year would be good. I don't know what a good number for this would be - maybe 2 for basic and 4 for premium [excluding alphas]. Larger packs could buy interbreeding slot upgrades from the barter for apples.
I think it'd be a pretty good middle ground - and the numbers could be low to start with as most players don't have large packs - I think 3 internal breedings per year for a pack of 15 is just fine.
this. also, outside breeding can be kept relevant in other ways besides preventing internal breeding, like the pelt inheritance buff
Maybe, perhaps it could be limited by each male wolf only being able to breed once per game year within your own pack. But still able to breed outside your as usual the rest of the time (obviously minus the breeding you've used in your pack). Or as others have said a limit to the number of non-alpha breedings within your pack.
I voted yes but I also like the idea of a max number of breedings that can be raised with barter or an item (like jasmin)
Not sure. We can already do it through elder feature. If we do get it though, I think should be unlimited. Edited at July 23, 2024 02:43 PM by Revelry
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Yes simply because it makes sense Sometimes it feels like all the studs I actually want to breed with are in my own pack T-T
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I like this Eternity said: I like to breed within my pack - but there's also plenty of wolves I'd breed to outside of my own pack.
I think there's an easy way to have a middle ground here - like having a limit to how many wolves can breed within your own pack [e.g. only x many specific wolves or x many breedings within your own pack per game year. - you could then buy additional breeding slots for apples in the barter, or there could be an item that allows you to reset your pack interbreeding number, like the jasmine.]
There could also be a fee, like the old alpha breeding fee, to breed within your own pack.
I think there should be a limit based on your pack size.