
Can I reserve a Poseidon child?

Name: Jackie Hernandez Age: 17 Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her Godly parents: Daughter of Athena Sexuality: Gay Appearance: She is 4'1" in height. She has red wavy hair that is down to the middle of her back. She usually where Skirts with a t-shirt. She has a mix skin tone and she is thin. Jackie has slender legs than most and has bright blue eyes. She has some freckles on her face that is under her eyes and goes over her nose. She usually has some red lipstick on. She wear a heart bracelet that came from the Dad that took care of her for most of her life. The bracelet is gold with a Peral as the heart. She usually has on checkered skirts but will sometimes wear jeans depending on her mood. Personality:WIP She is very kind and fun loving. She will try to help anyone with there problems no matter what it is. She does have times where she is antisocial and doesn't want to talk to anyone but that is rare. She has a very caring heart and also a nurturing one too. She likes to take care of others. She gets aggressive when she feels threatened. Crush: Open pm me Spouse/Partner: None Abilities: She is able to take in all of the knowledge she is being teached in one lesson. She can make plans based off of little information. Family: Her Dad took very good care of her abut also gave space when needed. Jackie's Dad spolied her because of how fast she has passed school. Other: She has Anxiety even though she doesn't show it. Edited at March 21, 2022 08:21 PM by Charlie

Name: Luna Gender: Female Age: 20 Pronouns: She/Her Sexuality: Bisexual Godly Parents: Daughter of Apollo Appearance: She has red hair that is long but straight. Personality:WIP Crush:None yet Spouse: None Abilities: Family: Other: Edited at March 22, 2022 03:59 PM by Charlie

Finished! Name: Sarah Phoenix ✯ Age (youngest age is 16): Nineteen ✯ Gender: Female ✯ Pronouns (optional) She/Her ✯ Sexuality: Heterosexual ✯ Godly Parent? (any of the gods/goddesses, excluding Hera and Artemis): Apollo ✯ Appearance: Sarah is rather short, around 5'2. She has fair skin that burns easily with several freckles dotted across her nose. She has long, ginger hair affected by poliosis, causing a streak of hair to be white. Her hair is often held up in a messy bun. Half of her right eyelash and a quarter of her right eyebrow is also affected by poliosis. Her eyes are amber, and they almost always show kindness. Although, there is always a bravery burning in the back of them. Sarah usually wears jeans and a hoodie, although she wears jean shorts and a T-shirt in hot weather. A wooden bow with a quiver of arrows is usually slung casually across her back. ✯ Personality: Sarah is generally friendly, but can be rude. During an arguement, her comebacks are savage. She is independent and prefers to do things alone. Incredibly competitive, she loves taking on a challenge. She is stubborn and impatient, finding it hard to sit still. Sarah is brave and reckless, which can get her into bad consequences. Crush (if any, optional): None (PM me) ✯ Abilities you recieved from your godly parent? (if any, optional): Sarah had inherited her father's archery and healing, with her go-to weapon being a bow. ✯ Family? (optional): Your average demigod family. Single parent, only child. ✯ Backstory (optional): Sarah was raised by her mother, and had a pretty laid-back life. Well, aside from the occasional strange things. She had been shipped off to boarding school several times, and kicked out of most of them. She got Jax, and he eventually developed an ear infection along with a serious injury to his tail. His ears had to be cropped, his tail docked. ✯ Other: Sarah owns a two year old male doberman named Jax. Jax is the usual black and red doberman coloring complete with a docked tail and cropped ears. (Both necessary for an infection he had awhile ago) Edited at March 23, 2022 12:23 PM by FancyPants

@King of Winter~, - I went ahead and accepted Virgil, if that's okay. :p ********** <~><~><~><~><~> ********** @Spiritus Lunae, - Reserved! ^^ ********** <~><~><~><~><~> ********** @Charlie and @Fancy Pants, - Jackie and Sarah are accepted!


Dude, imagine if Virgil bumped into Zephyra (my child of Hades character) at some point though. Wonder how that would go? OnO - Zephyra is surprisingly chill for a child of Hades, and since she knows that any child of Demeter is very likely to dislike her, she either won't care or wouldn't really mind, as it's understandable why they don't like her. Story of Persephone and all. She kinda resents her dad because of this fact, but she figures that Demeter and any of her children wouldn't be entirely convinced if she told them this. Edited at March 25, 2022 09:24 AM by _~Fallen One~_

Finished ^^ Name: Benjamin Dash 'Benji' ✯ Age (youngest age is 16): Twenty-two ✯ Gender: Male ✯ Pronouns (optional) He/him ✯ Sexuality: Heterosexual ✯ Godly Parent? (any of the gods/goddesses, excluding Hera and Artemis): Hephaestus ✯ Appearance: Benjamin stands at about 6'1 with a muscular build. His skin is tanned, like one would be after hours of being outside in the sunshine. He has partial heterochromia, his eyes are forest green but a quarter of his left one is brown. Benjamin has short brown hair in a David Tennant-style fohawk. He usually wears a casual tee shirt with jeans and a tool belt, to hold all his metal scraps and such. His idea of 'classy' is just a pair of jeans and a tee shirt without any grease stains. There's always a few band-aids somewhere on his body. Most commonly on his arms or hands. ✯ Personality: Benjamin is very kind and friendly, with a sense of humor. He cracks jokes in times of stress. His jokes seem hurtful sometimes, but he doesn't mean them that way. Unless of course, it's directed at a Hera or a child of Ares. He is incredibly energetic and is always found moving in some sort of way, wether it be fiddling with scraps of metal or playing with his velociraptor. He is easygoing and resourceful, always ready to accept what's coming. Crush (if any, optional): None (PM me) ✯ Abilities you recieved from your godly parent? (if any, optional): Benjamin inerited Hephaestus' ability with machines. He can fiddle around with something one moment and it'll be a mini helicopter the next. ✯ Family? (optional): Your average demigod family. Single parent, only child. Although, he has always wanted a little brother or sister. He often treats his step-siblings as if they were completely related, not just on the god side. ✯ Other: If he could be conselor of Hephaestus cabin, that would be great! If he needs to be older, than I'll make him old enough to be one ^^ He also has a mechanical velociraptor (its small enough to fit into pockets) Edited at March 28, 2022 09:02 PM by FancyPants

Virgil isnt going to be naturally rude or just hate Zephyra up-front. It's like a strange pettiness, he just can help but pick out flaws and hold onto it. It's who he is to not give into hatred, but there is a part of him that tells him that she is something bad and should be avoided. It's like instinct, like when you are in a dark room and you feel a weird creeping feeling, that you aren't alone. You are weary, you want to avoid it, it makes you uncomfortable. It's his Mother's natural defense mechanism to keep her future children away from Hades and his blood. ~ Virgil dislikes the Idea of Children of Hades. Necromancers and conjurers of the Dead. His gift of primitive and rather basic universal knowledge let's him know many things and yet Death isn't something he can really understand. It frightens him and the Children of Hades simply play with it. It's unnatural. Virgil also has mild powers over life: Manipulating Plants. This means the two of them, Children of Demeter and Hades are opposites in a way. _~Fallen One~_ said: Dude, imagine if Virgil bumped into Zephyra (my child of Hades character) at some point though. Wonder how that would go? OnO - Zephyra is surprisingly chill for a child of Hades, and since she knows that any child of Demeter is very likely to dislike her, she either won't care or wouldn't really mind, as it's understandable why they don't like her. Story of Persephone and all. She kinda resents her dad because of this fact, but she figures that Demeter and any of her children wouldn't be entirely convinced if she told them this.
Edited at March 25, 2022 07:46 PM by King of Winter~
