Granted, but now everybody is hunting, chasing, and/or fearing you. -- I wish that pain would end.
Granted but now when you get hurt you can't heal, even if you can't feel it I wish I could teleport to space for a few minutes and back, and still live
Granted, but your arm would break every time. I wish I could have healing powers.
granted but you would immediately have very bad diarrhoea everytime you try to heal xD - i wish i have powers to make animals like me, excluding insects-
Granted but now, animals swarm you. I want to have A nice snuggly corgi that will live long and not be DM positive and not have seizures.
Granted, but it turns out that you forgot to feed it at its 2nd birthday dinner so it outlives you. -- I wish I had a guitar.
Granted, but it can only play 1 chord. - I wish that I could magically learn any skill that I want immediately.
Granted, but everyone gets that power, so you aren't special anymore. I wish I didn't procrastinate all the time.
Granted, but now you physically can't stop working. I wish I could freeze time. Edited at September 3, 2023 10:07 PM by Snowy Isle
Granted, but you do not know how to control it and end up freezing time forever. -- I wish that I held all of the knowledge in the world.