
Judy began to work on something as she was finished talking to the pack. Judy was calm as she was unsure of how she was going to be able to talk to the human. Judy was thinking about something as she was fixing some of the houses for the pack as she was trying to get her mind off of thinking about the human. Alexandra went to the store to grab some stuff since she knew the pack would be hungry. Alexandra was wearing jeans and a long sleeve shirt with tennis shoes again. She was hoping that the pack would be ok with the food that she would get. Judy was wearing jeans and a long sleeve shirt with tennis shoes. Judy was smiling as she look at the pack. She was happy to be with the pack as the pack were friends. Alexandra got some food that she knew the pack would love and she began to go to pay for everthing. Judy was helping the some of the young kids in the packs. Edited at October 20, 2021 02:41 PM by Werewolf

Michael returned home and put the groceries away before getting Ezekiel's meal ready for when he returned. He mixed the beef with a blend of seasonings before throwing it on a pan and began cooking the hamburgers. He'd make two for Ezekiel and two for himself for lunch since he was already cooking, so why not get lunch taken care of while you're at it? The smell of the cooking beef entered Michael's nose and something was different. The smells were more distinct than before, but Michael simply thought that he accidentally added more seasoning than usual. But as he continued cooking, his mouth began to water as Ezekiel's burgers were finished and he began cooking his two burgers. Michael slowly became impatient, as saliva began to build in his mouth in anticipation of his meal. Why do these burgers taste so good all of a sudden?! He finished cooking and quickly built his two burgers before digging into one of them, being slightly taken aback by how much more apparent the different flavors were compared to the last meal he had eaten. He quickly wolfed down the two burgers happily before washing the dishes and sitting back on the couch, scratching the back of his neck as an itch appeared there. Weird... maybe I wasn't using enough spices before. Michael shook off the experience as he watched some more television.

Judy went out of the forest and sat down on a rock as she wanted to think about something since she had an idea. She thought *What if he does come back and maybe I can help him with everything since it is my fault that he was attack. I should have stop Alexandra but I am not sure if he would forgive me.* She stayed on the walk as she kept thinking. Alexandra returned with the food and she gave everyone something to eat. Judy was usually not hungry but Alexandra always got her something since she knew Judy would eat something. Olivia was waiting for something to happen as she was thinking that something bad would happen. Olivia was staying by Alexandra as she was looking at the trees almost like she was waiting for someone to walk towards them. Alexandra said "No one is there Olivia. We are safe." Olivia only nodded.

As the hours slowly crept on Michael became restless, feeling like he needed to do something to fill the time instead of watching television. Michael left the apartment and went on a casual jog, something he didn't do often but he thought it could wear him out a bit. I guess I can't really rest, even on my off days. Michael was amused by the thought as he continued jogging, running around different parts of the town. He took a break and checked his phone, only to be surprised by the fact that he had been jogging for 30 minutes and he was barely tired. Where is this stamina coming from? Micheal began making his way back when a police car drove past him, not stopping but it did remind him that sinister forces were still on the loose, but now Michael had a pretty good idea who they were exactly... if only there was a way to prove it. Michael ran back to his apartment, taking a shower after breaking a good sweat thanks to the jog. That felt pretty good actually. Maybe I should do that more often. He dried himself off and left the bathroom, having put his clothes back on and smelling of his shampoo. did the shampoo always smell that strong? I thought it was supposed to be discreet. Ignoring that as well, Michael sat down as he felt another itch, this time where the marks were. Michael carefully moved his fingers to where it was but he couldn't feel where the wounds were. He lifted his shirt to check and the marks were already fully healed, making it look like he was never clawed in the first place. I KNOW that's not right. Road rash doesn't even heal that quickly. This stumped Michael as he watched TV, trying to make sense of it.

Olivia went to find Judy since Judy was going to teach Olivia something. Judy heard Olivia and said "lets get working on training your wolf side. We need to make sure that your werewolf side does not try to hurt anyone." Olivia listened and she nodded since she knew what that meant. Judy was always training the pack members to nake sure that their werewolf side would not attack anyone since most people always go into the woods by themselves. Judy was unsure of how she could train Alexandra since she had already attack someone. Judy began to teach Olivia peace as peace helps with werewolves when they need to calm down. Judy was thankful that Olivia was learning. Sorry its short again.)

As Michael watched TV, his phone went off. Michael looked to see who was calling and it was Ezekiel. He looked up at the clock and it was right on time for his lunch break. Michael answered the call and began talking to Ezekiel. As they talked back and forth, he could hear something a floor above him. It wasn't loud, but it was very obnoxious and high pitched, and it made Michael uncomfortable the longer it went. Eventually Michael had to put Ezekiel on hold as he left his apartment and climbed a floor and knocked on his neighbor's door. An older woman showed up to the door and asked what he needed. "I don't know why, but I hear this high pitched noise coming from your apartment and it's bugging me pretty bad. What's causing it?" The woman was surprised to hear Michael's question, and said that she was trying to keep her puppy quiet, but it was still whining even as she spoke. Michael growled for a moment before nodding his head and understanding the situation, and he thanked her for explaining before heading back into his own apartment, still hearing the dog whine. That is incredibly obnoxious. Michael gritted his teeth slightly as the dog continued to whine for some time, eventually tuckering itself out and letting Michael have a moment of peace.

Alexandra began to train her werewolf side as she needed to make sure that nothing else bad happened. One of the pack members named Abraham went to Alexandra and went for a walk with her. Abraham was Alexandra's friend who had been with Alexandra for a while. Abraham began to talk to Alexandra and said "I know someday that I will find my mate." Alexandra was listening to him as she knew that he would be able to find someone who would love him since Abraham was sweet and kind towards anyone who he meets. Judy had seen them go by and she thought *They would make a cute couple. If they only see it.* Olivia smiled as she watched them go by as well. Judy knew that she would not find a mate yet since she was unsure if any male would be with her. Olivia had never find a mate which she was ok with but she was thinking about who would be her future mate. Judy was smiling as she was thinking about something again and she began to finish training Olivia. Olivia went back to the pack as she was happy to have fininshed training. Judy was unsure about something.

Julius was driving with his family back home. It was one of the few days he took off from work to spend more time with his family, a mini vacation if you will. "Alright kids, I did buy that ice cream for you guys, however you must be on your best behavior, or you aren't getting any when we watch a movie, okay?" He said to his kids in a kind, but stern tone. They all agreed to those terms as his wife turned on the radio, but it quickly went to another story concerning the murders, and it had to be quickly shut off. "Honey, don't worry about that right now." She said, hoping to avoid a proper conversation about his work. "It's family time right now, and I know everyone else at the station is doing their best to crack the case." She continued, looking at him and smiling. Julius was about to say something, but instead he nodded and continued driving, leaving the topic in the car so that he could spend time with his family. Michael, on the other hand, was restless once again. His thoughts once again drew back to the forest, as he pondered about his encounter with the two beasts. So... how do I prove to the police that there are, at least, two werewolves out in the woods? Pictures and video may not do it justice, but maybe a few samples of fur or perhaps a claw or tooth could suffice. I wouldn't be able to easily mimic items like that, and the DNA tests would prove that it's from something and not made up. Ezekiel swung open the door and startled Michael from his thoughts. "Another perfectly boring day at work. Where's the grub?" Michael pointed at the fridge and Ezekiel clasped his hands together in anticipation. He took out the burgers and threw them in the microwave, but Michael could smell the food as it was heating up as if it was right in front of him. After the food was reheated, Ezekiel plopped down next to Michael and began eating, and it took all of Michael's willpower not to ask for some of it. Eventually, Michael decided that he had to remove himself from the temptation, and walked into his bedroom to continue figuring out his plan to prove the existence of the werewolves.

Alexandra was still with Abraham and she whispered "I hope we will be able to have our future mates." Abraham heard her and smiled as he nodded in agreement. Alexandra had always wanted a mate but he also knew what the risk was that he would not be able to have a mate since of what was happening with everything. Alexandra and Abraham kept walking as they wanted to talk with each since they hardly talk to each other. Judy was still thinking about the human male and how she was going to talk to him. Judy sighed as she went back to the pack to make sure that no one was in trouble or anything. Judy was calm as she was walking to the pack until she heard a noise that made her stop in tracks. She thought that she heard howling but she quickly shook the feeling off. She said "No one is there. There can not be a werewolf out there since it is day time and most werewolves are humans now." She began to run to her pack as she thought the howling was getting louder. Judy made it back to her pack and the howling had stop. She look around to see if anyone was following her and she saw no one.

Michael lied on his bed as he thought about all of the different possibilities he could look in the woods, but all of them had a glaring error: he was vastly under equipped for getting really close to the werewolves' den. He had a pistol, but he doubted that it would be enough to fend off the legendary beasts. Eventually Michael decided that he would go the night after tonight and look for anything. He figured that going two nights in a row would be risky, so he figured he'd give them a night to calm down before he took another shot at it. He left the bedroom to sit back down on the couch with Ezekiel as they watched TV together, and Michael would steal a glance at him, wondering if his friend knew what he was about to get into.